wtmartinaggie said:
My favorites are Repris, Lambert Bridge, Kamen, and Auteur.
i havent been to Scribe, but it's a local favorite and we're starting to talk more. They have lots of parties and whatnot for their members like we do, so folks are drawn in. QPR across the portfolio is apparently pretty good.
We thought Repris was about the prettiest view in Sonoma County. Wines seemed okay, we're laying down a case for a few years.
Kamen - IF, and only IF you can get a tasting at Robert Kamen's house. Kashmir is one of my favorite wines of all time, and we're sitting on a few for several years. We opened up a Kamen Cab 2 weeks ago for the wife's birthday.
A group of 10 of us had an off the wall bonkers tasting at his house with him. We got to hear all sorts of 80s/90s Hollywood stories, he spoke highly of his love for all drugs, offered us his homegrown stash, and almost got in a fight with our Uber driver.
True story.