fyi Garrison Bros. releasing Guadalupe at the distillery tomorrow
FriedTex said:
Well then, I feel better about not seeing it
Phat32 said:
6yr Texas bourbon for $180? Where do I sign up?
MarathonAg12 said:Phat32 said:
6yr Texas bourbon for $180? Where do I sign up?
I'll flip it to you for $250
I understand though. Not everyone can afford Garrison Brother's.
aggiedata said:
Thoughts. Last bottle at Specs downtown
Tom Cardy said:
Haven't had that pick, but I love those for making old fashioned or manhattans
boonesully said:
Yeah man. That would be cool
BrokeAssAggie said:boonesully said:
Yeah man. That would be cool
Dropping these in the mail Monday!
Bazooka Joe said:
Tapped a 2020 edition a couple weeks ago. Fond memories.
I enjoyed it but tbh I had already had a few drinks and my palate is unrefined to begin with. I like OFBB better I think but it was very good.wmitchell said:
How is it? I haven't had it and have heard mixed reviews
GarlandAg2012 said:
$25/1.5 oz in Dallas. Never had it and won't find it cheaper. Cheers!