GarlandAg2012 said:
Goodest Poster said:
GarlandAg2012 said:
$25/1.5 oz in Dallas. Never had it and won't find it cheaper. Cheers!

Unless you find my spot that is $14.
Well damn. I shared mine, you share yours? Not like you're gonna drink the whole bottle yourself...or are you?
Why yes, actually...we did.
Houston Galleria, King Ranch Kitchen. VERY good whiskey bar and they usually have several BTAC. Like most places, they have a few way over priced. But they have several way undervalued as well.
Best whiskey deal in town is Twin Peaks on Thursday. Doubles of Pappys 12 for 20 bux. Yes, we drank the whole bottle of that too last week. Will probably drink the GTS this week. Only issue, you have to tolerate being at Daddy Issues Diner. Miserable.
Always the most goodest