Decided to try my hand at blending again - it's been a while. Got some mini-mason jars, so we're looking at about 60 mls of bourbon wasted if things don't work out.

Here are my initial blends:
- 1:1:1 - Four Roses Yellow, Four Roses Single Barrel, Four Roses Small Batch
- 2:2:1 - Fours Roses Yellow, Four Roses Small Batch, Four Roses Single Barrel
- 1:1 - Four Roses Small Batch, Four Roses Single Barrel
- 3:2 - Four Roses Yellow, Four Roses Small Batch
- 55:33:12 - Four Roses OBSF (11y, 4m), Four Roses OESF (10y, 1m), Four Roses OBSV ( 11y, 10m)
The last is a variation on the ratio for the 125th Anniversary Limited Edition (55 OBSK, 33 OESK, and 12 OBSV) - I don't have any OBSK or OESK. Put them all together on 9/15. Maybe I'll try a sip this weekend to see how things are going...