Happy to report that hunting season has opened on the east coast. Old Forester Birthday Bourbon dropped at a few Atlanta stores today. I'm picking up a held bottle tomorrow. Next up is Four Roses SBLE, due next week.
quote:seriously, ill always pick up ECBPquote:where? I want some ECBP.
I'm on the order list for any BTAC that hits my stores..time to wait and see.
I did see 6 bottles of Stagg Jr. and an Elijah Craig BP on the shelf today though.
Trucks to the distributors, but it won't hit shelves until mid October here in Texas.
They had a round come out a couple of months ago at Specs along with RHF. If you want to pay $100 for it I can grab it but you can find online for more like $60 shipped.
I'm horrible at posting pictures so somebody help me out please. Have you guys seen that BT has new labels and bottles for W12, Antigue and Special Reserve?