picked up two Jeffersons Select 18 this morning at $63 each at my local Twin Liquors.
user level: TexAgs LegendAggieBasic Level Supporter posted 8:33p, 06/05/13this user's public profilesend private message to useredit this replyobject to this reply
Finally found some Rock Hill bourbon today. This stuff is heavenly. Very smooth and sweet, lots of vanilla flavor. Made from the same mash as Blantons, but rotated in locations, whereas Blantons is kept in one place. If you can find it, buy it!
I've read through and found some good options but before I make a purchase I could use some help.
Stay away from anything made or claimed to be made in Texas with the exception of Balcones.
At your price point of $50-$75, your best bet for something readily available is Blanton's. anything worth $75 will not be found on many shelves unfortunately as those would be the limited releases.
Need a gift for a bourbon drinker with experience. Something that's not overly sweet would be good. I would also like to get something from a smaller operation. Texas made would be good but a great bourbon would be better. Not sure what a good price is but between $50-75 seems in line with much of what I saw in previous pages.
[This message has been edited by Greener Acres (edited 9/10/2013 7:04p).]
Had a chance to taste Garrison Bros this weekend in Hye (at Hye Market). Definitely not worth the asking price...not even close.
Being new to Bourbon my goal this year is to get the Buffalo Trace Antique Collection and all 3 Pappy's.