as long as the beer itself is good
EXACTLY - I based my argument on this assumption.
if the trained consumer is not willing to objectively try canned beer,well that's just idiotic at best.
What I was trying to get across but said MUCH better than I put it.
I wanted to see if there was a difference and was finally able to do so in a controlled setting
Was it all with fresh beer or stuff that had been sitting for a while?
Hell, also keep the bottles in a dark room/fridge/etc and the case is dropped.
I would also like to see how different lights will play one the quality.
Yes, years of conditioning is hard to change. Blanket statements that all beer in a can is bad is a big mistake - as is the reverse. There is nothing inherently wrong with being "skeptical" but dont miss out on some great stuff because of it!
Question: Can good beer come from a keg? After all it is just a big can, no?
And as I often say: Eat(or drink) what you like and screw the rest of us!
"Food should be fun." -Thomas Keller
[This message has been edited by bonfirewillburn (edited 3/27/2012 12:58p).]