The Beer and I - From what I can remember, I liked UnEarthly. I grabbed a bottle when I was in VA last October.
No RRBC in Seattle? Damn.
It sounds like Saint Arnold Bishop's Barrel 3 is going out on Monday. It's another bourbon barrel aged imperial stout like the first one, with a few adjustments.
The recipe for Amarillo Hefe came from a beer I developed for my sister and brother in law's wedding. They wanted a hefeweizen for their reception, and I decided to put my own twist on it. Since some people like to put lemon or orange slices in hefes, I figured I could replace that with the bright citrus flavor and aroma of Amarillo hops. The base beer starts as a fairly traditional Hefe. As fermentation starts to putter out, a healthy dose of Amarillos are dry hopped to complement the banana and clove flavors of the yeast. The balance gives an impression of added spice flavor, but no spice was added. Just malt, hops, yeast, and water. Enjoy!
Wait... Is BB and Icon different?
DFH Burton Baton (IPA)... ok;
Sippin' on the last of my saison that AggieOO made. Delicious!
Got my first issue of BeerAdvocate magazine.
Beer party on BSD!