Found Lag-Sucks at Spec's in CS. Not bad, very fruit forward.
Sickest pint I've seen, must add atleast 12 IBU.
[This message has been edited by K Bo (edited 1/21/2013 7:09p).]
Still no abyss in Houston???
Anyone know of a ETA?? I have been really itching for a good BBA stout or porter....
Btw, I missed the houston run of bombers of karbach BBA hellfighter, right?? Had a taste of it and wish I could get my hands.on a bomber...any help??
How do I add a beer on untapped? After four clowns I can't figure this **** out...
And I'm a bit annoyed by the fact that y'all can get the sucks there but I can't find it anywhere out here
And I'm a bit annoyed by the fact that y'all can get the sucks there but I can't find it anywhere out here
You realize you drive right by the brewery, right?
Yeah didn't really have time to stop in Petaluma and none of the liquor stores around my hotel in downtown SFO had it either