Cool, I love Franziskaner hefe but never had the kristall. Like I said, it's rare that I drink foreign beers! Once I clean out some room, I'll add a few to the rotation.
Breaking into my Uncle Jacobs stash for a victory nightcap. This was a great season for Texas Aggie football. Cant wait until next year. Thankfully there's lots of great beer to drink between now and then.
defroach, What did you think of the New Mexico chili beer? I thought they did a pretty darn good job with it and the roasty side of the Hatch chili really added some great background.
Ive never been a fan of chili beer but I thought it was better than most. It wasn't "spicy" like some (which was good IMO) but you definitely got good chili flavored. Not something I would drink much, but could be thrown in every now and then.
Regarding the Franzy conversation at the top of the page:
It was pointed out in a later post that the Franzy pictures is their kristalweizen. Although is fairly easy to find Franzy hefe I have never seen Franzy kristal for sale. Franzy is excellent and I would purchase the kristal if found. Is it available in Houston?
I'm pretty sure franzy hef, krystal, and dunkelweiss are all available at specs. My wifey was drinking all 3 pretty regularly a couple years ago. Find a weihenstephaner hef, that's the pièce de résistance of hefeweizens.
Tine brewery note: while I was home for Christmas my brother and I hit up buffalo bayou brewery and we were both extremely underwhelmed by their offerings
Closed out last night with a '12 GI Bourbon County Stout. Tonight's first beer is a RRBC Supplication while enjoying the fire out back. Vacation is almost over so I'll be enjoying this beer!
Yeah thought their red tastes too much like moose drool which I don't like. The ipa was decent I suppose, and my brother went to the pisser to pour out the gingerbread. Got a pretty good glass out of the deal so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Not to overly ***** about my experience there but the parking was a pain in the ass. On another note I don't know if it was cause it was the Friday after Christmas but karbach easily had at least double the number of folks since my last visit
My brother invited me up to Austin for Jester King's 2nd anniversary party in a few weeks. Any of you Austinites going? Or does anyone have any suggestions for what I need to try while there?
[This message has been edited by Streetfighter2012 (edited 1/7/2013 10:01a).]