This is Kiribati. The locals waving Chinese flags are celebrating the visit of the Chinese Navy hospital ship called the Peace Ark on its tour of Pacific islands
titled Harmonious Voyage 2023.
Also Kiribati.
The Chinese are generating a lot of goodwill in Oceania by well orchestrated spreading of money and gifts. In 2919, Kiribati switched from recognizing Taipei to Beijing. I have no idea when or what "partner building" activities the US DoD has invested in Kiribati over the past decade but it seems that it is becoming a friendly basing option for China that is due south of Hawaii and 2000 west of Guam.
FD2030 divested of Civil Affairs Group's because they were deemed unnecessary and unaffordable by the wargames. The State Department should probably be taking the lead diplomatically to engender positive support for the US among the population but they appear to have ceded Kiribati to Chinese influence operations.
How does FD2030 provide force structure and prepare for war with China in a situation where the Chinese have friendly basing at Kiribati on the southern flank of the the Hawaii-Guam SLOCs
As with the Marahall Islands, Marine Corps leadership knows the wargaming assumptions about Kiribati's relations with China and the United States. The public doesn't but Kiribatians waving CCP flags is alarming to me.