Yep, the Institute has a great online database. 98% of my images come from them.
UTSA-ITC DatabaseI've actually been down to there to speak to them about usage agreements back when I had time and thought I might do a dedicated website for this stuff. They, of course, were not in the office that day to talk about it. I need to get back down there. Thanks, AAM for the reminder.
Burdizzo, I'm happy to have some company. When I can get a new batch together and some dedicated time for it I'll let you know.
I do, on some weekends, take a group of friends out for a bike ride along the riverwalk extensions which always turns into a history lesson. They tolerate me. I'm ALWAYS up for something like that. And bike rentals are cheap if y'all don't have one. There is beer involved too and it's an easy, enjoyable ride. In other words, I usually don't burn off the beer consumed.
[This message has been edited by p_bubel (edited 4/28/2013 10:49p).]