Owners reif.conc foundation began flaking prior to the framing stage. Engineer in charge discovered that wrong mix had been placed (perhaps a valve got stuck and not dbl.checked as it went into the trucks)
Solution: break it up, haul it off, begin anew
Owner asks concrete plant ONLY for free concrete to replace, nothing for demo, steel, redo, etc.
Conc.plant says kiss-off
Lawyers, court time
Conc.plant has to pay off
(Builder innocent story)
Owner designs 2-story house, whose Plan changes many times in order to accomodate a much coveted Laundry Chute, 2nd floor to Laundry cabinet below.
Architect later asks how they are loving that L.Chute.
Owner reports that the plumber ran a line through it ... now it's blocked and they decided not to fix nor use it.
(Builder innocent story ... Owner-built)
Builder promises 6-month build of 1-story, less than 1600sf house also begins own personal house build.
Discovers his investors' visit ETA moved up to see his home finished, so raids the 1600 of prime labor & CDX roof decking, leaving remainder out in the rain. Builder moves in at the 9-month mark, the 1600 at the 12-month mark.
Owner asks his know-it-all friend if their home builder X was a good choice and good fit for their new build nearby. Builder X does not have a good rep. for solid foundations but does for great finishes. Builder follows all specs from Foundation Engineer this time but swimming pool leaks into the foundation zone, which cracks. Lawyers. "Million dollars" later for mental anguish, et al. against builder.
TAMU Dean's MIL spec.house built so low, it floods through the front door at times. Wife continues to hound builder for a remedy, even if it's only temporary grading. Builder finally blows her off with "we know what we are doing".
Very good builder & architect decide an above grade house does not require ground-contact treated floor joists and advise the Owners of the SOP/traditional need to install/remove crawl space vents seasonally. Owner ignores these tasks for enough years for the joists to begin failing. Lawyers. Builder/Architect pays. Later Owner sues road dept. when head in car jarred upon hitting a bump, a public instituion for tripping on their new sidewalk.
New build begins to exhibit superficial cracks in garage, engineer inspects, noting that when invasive waters are corrected, it takes 18 months to dry out, then self repair when built on piers. 18 months later, engineer recalled and about to give up .. until noted that Owner's yardman clipped a sprinkler head, so renamed old faithful geyser = the cause of all the problems.
(Builders not a fault stories IMHO.)
Row of spec.houses needing to be completed in a hurry are being shingled in a light rain. Potential client of that builder for a new house asks "would a good builder do such as this?". Friends in-the-know tell her to go read the warranty on the shingles packages. (No warranty for such application conditions - rain - expressly printed.)
TMI and forgive typos
Please post no names ... if you know any of these stories ...
Ten words or less ... a goal unattainable