Killin Me Smalls said:
Where's the love for Palmer T2 going into the weekend! He needs a good finish this weekend.
What's his card status?
Top 125 keep their full card (the rules have changed this year, so it's complicated). He's 186 right now. He would be 93 with a T2 finish (as of now, obviously it changes depending on how those around him would finish).
Winner gets 500 points. 2nd gets 300 points. 3rd 190. Works its way down to 10th being 75 and 20th being worth 45, for reference.
The current person ranked at 125 has 210 points for the season. Palmer has 71 points. Catching up on a 130 point deficit needs some pretty solid finishes.
Those ranked 126-175 are in a gray zone that hasn't fully been defined yet. In the past these non-fully exempt guys were alternates in tournaments and could only be in the field if the fully exempt players didn't fill out the field.