This could probably go on both threads
I play about 5 times a year and tend to hit the range maybe once before each of those rounds.
Never broken 90. But over the last year been really working on course management. Watching a lot of Golf Sidekick videos and trying to play to my strengths, and without ego. Play with whatever game shows up that day. I've always quit trying to jack with my swing so much since I hardly ever practice. Just trying to be more consistent with what I have. Left the driver at home for over a year.
My bad scores have come down a lot. When I feel like I've had a horrible day I'm shooting 95-98 instead of 105. But my good days can't crack 92-93.
This week played for the first time in 6 months. First time shooting 90 so that's good, but talk about a "what could've been" round . . .