Back to hitting it nicely. 2 range sessions in a row that I'm happy about. And played 4 holes sunday hit 2 fairways, hooked drive on my last hole. went par, bogey, par, bogey. Played 3 today and on the fairway for both par 4's, green in reg on the par 3. I went par, par, bogey. For me, that's great !
Not every day, but some days I only have an hour to kill so I cant play 9 much less 18. The country club I'm at is usually pretty wide open and I'll walk and play 1, 2, and then 8 tee box is right by 2 green so I play 8 and 9 and done. Or I'll do 10, 17,18 same kind of deal.
I angered my back this weekend, and couldn't bend over to pick up my pants after my morning constitutional on Sunday morning. I was hosting a buddy and promised him golf, so we went. One of the most painful experiences of my life, but it eventually loosened up. Had three birdie putts that resulted in doubles.
Ram Rock did to me what it does to everyone. I do not know how many times I have played that course but I have yet to have anything resembling a good round.
It was perfect weather, we were playing from the regular tees, I birdied the first hole on a putt that would have been ten feet passed if it didn't hit the hole, and shot an 84. I was even after three and played the last five +1. So that makes the middle ten +12. Four bogeys, four doubles and two pars.
I don't know another course that not only makes every shot deathly hard but just ****s with your mind so much that you make the easy shots hard as well.
1st place net in my [D] flight (and the field for that matter) out at Grapevine this weekend.
Birdied hole 12 (3 on Pecan), a tough dog leg left par 4 when the wind is howling, and damn it was strong on Saturday. Great high drive, a sloppy but manageable 7i on my approach. Wind actually stopped me up in the air and kept me from hitting a back left bunker. Chip about 45' ish with my 9i from a good lie for the birdie. I was the only one in the field of 119 golfers to do both a gross and net skin on the hole.
All in all I won $256 from the round to be used at the pro shop.
Best round in years (fortunately and unfortunately...I'm a hacker). 46-49:95. 12 over on the 1st 13 holes. 11 over on the final 5 holes. Guess that is golf though.
I've was in the F golf mindset for the past 2 months or so with a horrible case of the shanks. Haven't even had much desire top play lately it's been so bad. I've been trying anything I could think of to help fix it without any luck. I was playing a benefit scramble this Saturday and one of the guys in my group suggested strengthening my left hand grip. After that I started striping my irons. It could have very well just all been in my head, but I dont care, it worked. Irs s great feeling to be able to hit a golf shot again..
In the same tournament. Shot a 77. My two craziest rounds of the year have been in the GGA tourneys in Grapevine in awful wind. First was a 79 after being 9 over after 12. I played 13-18 -2 without a birdie putt.
This weekend I doubled one after snapping off a drive. I took my right shoe off and got in the water trying to get it to the fairway and save a stroke from a drop that would have been behind a tree. Didn't work as I hit it about ten yards. But got thru the front at 37 with 12 putts.
Got to the par 5 18 tee downwind +4 thinking +3 may pay in this wind. Hit a good drive and am 210 out to a pack pin downwind but half to clear the tree. Instead of hitting a four or a five iron a tried to choke down on a half ass five wood and hung it out way right. Turned what should have been a birdie into a bogey and a 75 into a 77.
90 f-ing 5 today. I shoot 89 with a bad triple and a worse quad at Chamber's F-ing Bay and I shoot an 95 at crap ass North Shore with a crappy 2 pars. F golf.
Last time out I finally broke 100 (finally taking golf serious and not just playing scrambles) with a 90 and was a missed par put on 18 from an 89. Go out today and I play horrendous shoot a 103. Going back to same course tomorrow for a 2 man scramble tournament and hoping I can at least hit a fairway and maybe a green in regulation.
Shot a 43 on 9 this morning. Couldnt hit a fairway to save my life. I think I figured it out on the range after the 9 though, I wasn't getting a full shoulder rotation.
There I was on the tee box on 14 not paying any attention as I took a one handed half swing with my new driver right into the tee marker. I hit it about two inches up the shaft shattering it. ****.
So this morning had to play with my old driver that I had just retired a couple of months ago. Had five bogeys, four of which were direct results of awful drives hung out way right.
Taking today and yesterday off. Round in the morning at Stevens Park. Hope to be not so hungover that it screws with my game. Gonna **** that course over in revenge for my last round there.
Within 4 days and 2 rounds, I went from the worst driving day I have had in recent memory, to hands down the best day I have ever had all around of driving the ball.
Not really an F GOLF, but definitely F the five-hour round on Saturday. Absolutely ridiculous. Had it not been a men's club event I would've quit after nine holes.
Worst range session in months during a lesson today. Trying to ingrain a more consistent golf swing sucks. I couldn't hit ****. Finally, on the 2nd to last ball I had out at the time, I actually effing hit it with the swing changes and it wasn't a top or block or slice. Damn you, golf.
I proceeded to backhand the last ball off the range with my club, "I ain't hitting that POS."