Played today with my cousin at his club course. It's a pretty easy 9 holes (separate from the 'championship 18'). We play there b/c it's usually very low traffic and plays fast and it's easy. Par is 34. I'm usually 6-8 over. I've had a few 38's and 39's.
Asked me to meet him today. So I go early, hit a few at the range and I'm actually feeling really good and relaxed. Hit the irons straight and the driver pretty well. Great, probably last nice day in KC for a while so relax and enjoy the weather.
Finished 20 over for 9-holes. The best part was his wife, who just started playing this past April, and has taken a group "chipping" lesson, I'm pretty sure she beat me by at 6+ strokes. It has nothing to do with her being a woman at all (my wife and I do family stuff with them all the time and both families get along really great). If she just played lights out and I shot my usual 42 or so, I'd be like, great job. But she didn't play lights out. She played OK for a beginner and embarrassed the hell out of me.
I think had maybe ONE good iron shot the entire day. Hit one GIR, and doubled (or worse) all four par 3's.... On 6, I was 115 out and proceeded to take 4 more strokes to just get ON (no penalty or anything, just crap swings).
I swear if she hadn't been there I'd have lost it and thrown my clubs into the creek before I left. HTF do you consistently shoot in the low 40's, have a good relaxing warm up and proceed to shoot 20 over?
I checked my scores from the last 3 years on my phone and could not find a worse 9 holes over that time period.
I ****ing hate this game way to often.