Exactly. About two months ago I went to get a lesson for the first time in probably 10 years because I made a commitment to start playing golf regularly again. I was about a 4 handicap in college and early 20s when I played regularly, but over the years as I played less frequent and would take longer breaks from playing I would then struggle with consistency in ball striking when returning to play. This time I said I would take a lesson after several weeks of playing and so I followed through. The instructor told me my impact position was the only thing that really needed work, as I was releasing the club too early. This "simple" issue has required me to hit 1/2 and 3/4 shots for basically the last 2 months to retrain the feel of the correct impact position. There have been times where I really struggled to consistently achieve it, but after going to the range and/or playing about 3 times a week over those 2 months, I am finally at a position where my impact position on those 1/2 and 3/4 shots is really consistent and feels natural again so can now begin to do full swings.
It was not always easy playing but being limited to 1/2 and 3/4 swings, but I knew that was the only way to get there. Basically, lesson is to trust the process and work at it because sometimes do have to take steps back before can go forward.
It was not always easy playing but being limited to 1/2 and 3/4 swings, but I knew that was the only way to get there. Basically, lesson is to trust the process and work at it because sometimes do have to take steps back before can go forward.