Another F golf day.
2nd worst round in 12 months. The driver was working better than ever, and that was the only thing that worked.
The nine hole course I've been practicing at has very slow greens, and all that practice didn't translate at all when I got on these bad boys. Hit 39 putts, a 7 month high. All my sweet iron game practice completely died on the 18 hole course. I was hitting thins and hooks all day long. I came home and got on the sim and it took me almost an hour of banging balls into the net to figure out where my latest swing flaw came from.
Fortunately, after much frustration, a weaker right hand grip, and a little more hitting down on the ball, I was hitting the square on the face, and in a good path again.
But how the eff to groove a swing so well on the short course all week long, only to completely fail with it on saturday....very frustrating.