Randolph Duke

769,754 Views | 3764 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by goodAg80
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His ex-wife must send him weekly videos of her banging her Aggie husband.
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I would relish the opportunity to beat the ever livin' piss out of this eff'ing loser.
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He is off his medication again.
In typical **** fashion, to support their arguments about the "greatness" of their school, they only ever cite materials produced by the school. Our erstwhile little **** friend cites propaganda produced by the school and then uses that information as a reference citation as in "we made it up, here is the document where the fake information came from, therefore I have proven the fake information to be accurate because I offered its source."

In my mind, the **** claims to any military significance are total bull**** as long as they continue to worship their on-campus statue of someone who unquestionably ordered the cold blooded murder of American servicemen on active duty (Sul Ross). By honoring someone directly responsible for the murder of American servicemen, **** is on the same list as the Waffen SS in WWII, the PLO when they murdered the Marines in Beirut and Muammar Gaddafi when he ordered the murder of American servicemen in Berlin.

I fully understand **** hypocrisy, but there can be no claims of loyalty to the nation when every day they actively celebrate someone directly responsible for the clod-blooded murder of American servicemen. Such bull**** is beyond hypocrisy. Either you stand for American servicemen and respect their sacrifices or you worship and revere those who murdered American servicemen in cold blood. You can't have it both ways.
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I fully understand **** hypocrisy, but there can be no claims of loyalty to the nation when every day they actively celebrate someone directly responsible for the clod-blooded murder of American servicemen. Such bull**** is beyond hypocrisy. Either you stand for American servicemen and respect their sacrifices or you worship and revere those who murdered American servicemen in cold blood. You can't have it both ways.

WTF is this short-dikked idiot talking about?
DifferenceMaker Ag
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Here's a novel idea. How about you idiots stop posting the insane drivel that pours out of this psycopath's rectum?? Stop feeding this mf'er. Let our poor ******ed little brothers continue to jerk themselves off over this fruitcake all by themselves. He's not worth a single keystroke over here, and it's not funny anymore. Stop being part of the problem.

...and yes, I do understand the irony of this post. Just stop bringing this **** over here.
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He's going to post that **** regardless of us posting it over here. this at least gives us a centralized location to laugh at his insanity.
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^You kidding? I love checking in for some guaranteed entertainment on a slow day.
DifferenceMaker Ag
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Good. Let him. You're just propping him up further by regurgitating that scum here. It stopped being funny a long time ago. He's pathetically irrelevant to anyone with an IQ above 50. Jusr stop

Jack Bristow
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Good. Let him. You're just propping him up further by regurgitating that scum here. It stopped being funny a long time ago. He's pathetically irrelevant to anyone with an IQ above 50. Jusr stop

You see the title of this thread, right? PRetty plain, easy to read, easy to ignore.

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Not to defend this clown, but he is partly correct in that not all Aggies who 1) served as officers, 2) served in combat, or 3) served at all were commissioned through ROTC at A&M. My father applied for USAAF Flight School upon graduation from high school, and while waiting enrolled at A&M in 1942, attended classes and was in the Corps - B Battery Coast Artillery for one semester. He was accepted for USAAF Flight School and left A&M to learn to fly and earn a commission, which he received upon graduation and getting his wings. He flew over 100 P-51 missions in Europe and a further 56 missions ferrying VIPS all over Europe after Germany surrendered while waiting for orders to either report to the Pacific theater or come home. He returned to A&M in 1946, the year he would have graduated had he not left to fight the war, and graduated in 1949 with a BS and an MS in Aeronautical Engineering.

He was an Aggie, an Army Officer, and a combat veteran as well as serving in non-combat duty. There were literally 100s like him in all classes who left Aggieland to serve. Some returned to graduate, some did not return at all.

So my reasoned response to Randy is "So ****in' What!?"
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Not to defend this clown, but he is partly correct in that not all Aggies who 1) served as officers, 2) served in combat, or 3) served at all were commissioned through ROTC at A&M. My father applied for USAAF Flight School upon graduation from high school, and while waiting enrolled at A&M in 1942, attended classes and was in the Corps - B Battery Coast Artillery for one semester. He was accepted for USAAF Flight School and left A&M to learn to fly and earn a commission, which he received upon graduation and getting his wings. He flew over 100 P-51 missions in Europe and a further 56 missions ferrying VIPS all over Europe after Germany surrendered while waiting for orders to either report to the Pacific theater or come home. He returned to A&M in 1946, the year he would have graduated had he not left to fight the war, and graduated in 1949 with a BS and an MS in Aeronautical Engineering.

He was an Aggie, an Army Officer, and a combat veteran as well as serving in non-combat duty. There were literally 100s like him in all classes who left Aggieland to serve. Some returned to graduate, some did not return at all.

So my reasoned response to Randy is "So ****in' What!?"
My father as well, left after his second year at A&M, spent two years in the Army, and returned to finish his degree at A&M. He would also be one who wold be neglected by the numbers that this idiot tosses out.

Talk about a dishonest lying POS, that's you, Randolph.
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My grandfather was in the same boat. Went to A&M in '41 for his masters, dropped out and joined the Navy, served his time and went back to A&M to graduate in '51. He was never in the Corps but was a current student that went off to war and is regarded as a WWII veteran Aggie former student.

Again this is all a moot point because the only one arguing this is Duke. Never has that sweaty ballsack of a human being posted any proof to back up his claims.
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If sips are putting out the same number of "fake soldiers", shouldn't Randy devote his time to addressing all the "emotionally stunted civilians" at his own alma mater?
There was no ROTC at tu prior to 1947 when the Army ROTC was first activated. I won't spend the time to do it again, but last time this BS came up a little searching the internet led to finding that less than 60 officers are commissioned from all (Army, Air Force, and Navy) ROTC each year at tu. Further, tu ROTC includes students from not just tu, but also St Edwards University, Concordia University, Huston-Tillotson University, and Austin Community College.
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Randolph has neither served, nor stood a post. Randolph is not a lawyer. Randolph is not a journalist. Randolph is not a blogger. Randolph is, and always has been, a nobody.

He's a litigious fool that was on the butt-end of a Ponzi scheme, and now resorts to poking holes in anything TAMU. He lives in an apartment. His family has abandoned him.

He knows that his life is meaningless. He knows that he is a complete failure. He is a person devoid of purpose or hope.

He understsnds all of this, and is the way he is because of it.

**** you, Randy. **** you. Not because I'm an Aggie, but because you dare to soil the names of men who were much braver, more enlightened, and a part of what makes this country great.

**** you.
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Seems without these meaningless ramblings he would literally have nothing to do.

You can argue all you want, provide undeniable facts and he will keep his blinders on. Because deep down he knows, without "a ggy " he is nothing.
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Charles. Dan. Randolph. Randy.

You're approaching 60 years old. You will be dead soon.

I implore you to take several steps back and evaluate your life. Make this last decade worth something.
Tom Doniphon
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I implore you to take several steps back and evaluate your life. Make this last decade worth something.

Or he could just drink a gallon of bleach. Either would suffice.
Jock 07
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Haven't read through all the posts yet but has it been brought up that ROTC is by no means the only commissioning source cadets utilize at A&M. Not to mention we have plenty of vets, many of the combat variety, who may or may not be pursuing a commission in the corps nowadays. There are plenty of folks who commission via PLC, SMP, etc. I'm quite astonished that, with his vast active duty military experience randal has over looked this. Or has this ****er never served a day in his life, have no clue what in the wide wide world of sports he's blabbering on about, and is, yet again, being disingenuous, or all of the above?
Rocco S
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When this handle inevitably gets banned I think I'll return as "Mrs Satterfield's Aggie buk-fest"
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Below is his same argument from months ago, that I shot down with facts from their own website and wiki. (I know more redneck accounting!). He has changed the argument slightly now vs. what he posted last year, while last year he stated "about 140" now he has backed off and no longer lists a number.

Also note as posted on the t.u. website, their ROTC group also includes Students from Concordia University, Huston-Tillotson, St. Edwards University and Austin Community, so every tsip in ROTC is not necessarily going to school at sip.

Those tsips are so desperate to celebrate something, hell anything, they even lit the Charles Whitman Memorial tower in orange when they won this mythical ROTC championship, even IF this ROTC team did include more cadets from ACC than sip.

Randy (CMSIII) states....
The 42% number is pure bull$#@!. For 2016, they have a goal of having "close to" 200 ROTC graduates commissioned. For 2016, the numbers are projected to be 96 Army, 54 Air Force, 41 Navy/Marines. This number is not appreciably different than the number of UT Austin ROTC graduates who are commissioned...."

"In history, the number of UT grads who served and are Veterans are way more than ****"

"The vast majority of ag-gy corps members never serve a day in the military. In a good year, ag-gy ROTC has 200 graduates commissioned as officers (the average ROTC class at UT produces about 140 commissioned officers)...."

My answer to Charles....
Ok, someone help me here. In the following thread, Randolph Dork states
the average ROTC class at UT produces about 140 commissioned officers

So I decided to verify his "facts" and found links to all three of the ROTC programs at t.u., one of which (the largest by far) can be found here.[url=http://<a][/url]http://goo.gl/VGScl1

Now this clearly shows numbers slightly less than the "140 commissioned officers" that ol' Charlie claims. Also, according to this website,
If you are attending Concordia University, Huston-Tillotson, St. Edwards University and Austin Community College you can join the University of Texas ROTC.
So these numbers are not even t.u.'s actual commission numbers but the numbers of ALL FIVE SCHOOLS combined under the t.u. umbrella!! Let me state that again, the number found below are for ALL FIVE SCHOOLS, not just t.u!

The numbers shown are for 2011, that's the last set of figures I can find that list all three groups.

However, the numbers alongside the burger dots are showing the Number for the Army ROTC, again the largest ROTC group of the bunch. Those numbers are also a combination of all five schools, not just t.u. Just using simple reasoning, if the Army numbers are this low, there is no way in hell he can get to his "140" number.

So help me out, what am I missing? I don't want to call Randi Dork a liar, though we know for a fact he is a sociopath.....

2011 Air Force = 15
2011 Army = 13
2011 Navy & Marines = 4

Army commissions per year, per the t.u. Website listed above.

2014 = 20
2013 = 14
2012 = 18
2011 = 13
2010 = 14
2009 = 16
2008 = 8
2007 = 16
2006 = 10
2005 = 14
2004 = 6
2003 = 15

OOOOOPS, CMSIII is wrong again....
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So Randy Duke's conclusion is:

-- the SECN (which is nationally distributed to 50 states) is doing poorly (he claims the SECN is barely bringing in per-school revenues that match West Virginia, a state with 1.85 million people).

-- yet ESPN's LHN channel is doing awesome financially!
Randy literally believed the exact opposite of truth and fact. It's all he has now...
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From earlier this month:

Ags win ROTC Cup at West Point
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Randy must have missed the sign announcing his ban:

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From earlier this month:

Ags win ROTC Cup at West Point
From the shag...
Until and unless **** grows the $#@! up and quits taking pride in bull$#@! like fake championships, "winninghalftime," mid-season recruiting championships, contrived "traditions" and payscale.com "rankings" they will never be anything other than an overfunded farm school that fails to deliver on its potential.

CMSIII posted the above paragraph on Shag several months ago.

Those dumb *******s Lit the tower for a "championship" that was not actually a championship, but the qualifier, where the Ags won the actual championship. Plus, this win was only partially theirs, since the other schools involved also played a part. I wonder did Austin Community College light their tower, since they had as much to do with winning as the sips did.

Hey if it makes them feel all warms and fuzzy, let them enjoy it. I wonder though, does the ROTC staff have any "Core Values"?

Tsips celebrate winning qualifier.... Light the tower

So, who's celebrating "fake championships now Charles???
Tom Hagen
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tu lit their tower for a quidditch championship

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Haven't read through all the posts yet but has it been brought up that ROTC is by no means the only commissioning source cadets utilize at A&M. Not to mention we have plenty of vets, many of the combat variety, who may or may not be pursuing a commission in the corps nowadays. There are plenty of folks who commission via PLC, SMP, etc. I'm quite astonished that, with his vast active duty military experience randal has over looked this. Or has this ****er never served a day in his life, have no clue what in the wide wide world of sports he's blabbering on about, and is, yet again, being disingenuous, or all of the above?
Several members of my sons outfit (just graduated) are going to OCS from the Corps, including (hopefully) our son. They couldn't commission straight in because the military was not offering commissions for their degree. I know D-Co, the prior service outfit also has some going to OCS.

Those numbers do not count since they didn't commission straight in from the Corps.

Seriously, has Randy/CMSIII ever been right about anything? With all of the predictions he makes doesn't it seem like eventually he would get one right?
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The only thing Randy does well is serve as a fine example of our country's failed mental health system.
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I'm just gonna comment on the last few pages about commission. I met an Air Force recruiter a few years back and the conversation got around to colleges and ROTC stuff. He told me without me asking him that apart from the service academies themselves, A&M commissioned more officers than anyone in the whole country. I just dont know what to tell the Duke about that one.

And one last item. Methinks that Randolph's time is limited in his ability to be free much longer. I figure by now the FBI and a few other alphabet groups have this guy on a watch list as a potential candidate for going over the edge. All the signs are there and as publicly as he has shouted his insanity, they cant help but have heard it. It's just a matter of time. That, or some Ag catches him coming out of the grocery store and beats him to a pulp. But either way , his time might be limited because of the FBI thing.
Aggies Revenge
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RD can sit and spin on a cactus. I enlisted in the Marines after A&M (too much time spent at the Chicken). During CAX in 97, I walked into the shotgun shack of a PX at Camp Wilson and ran into 5 officers I knew from A&M. 3 of them ended up on ship with me during our deployment.

Anytime it came up that I was an Aggie, the general response was "Not another one!" followed by "Do you know such and such?"

But yeah, Aggies only play soldier and have no influence in the real military whatsoever [/sarcasm].
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Anecdotal evidence: in my ten years in the Marine Corps, I can't think of a single horn grad that I've run into. I've met dozens of Aggies.
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Anecdotal evidence: in my ten years in the Marine Corps, I can't think of a single horn grad that I've run into. I've met dozens of Aggies.
There is plenty of anecdotal evidence out there - I can honestly say in my 20 years in the Air Force I never met a single tu grad in uniform, although I did have several GS-12 tsips working for me at Kelly AFB. Of the 8 of my classmates in my Corps outfit who wore boots as seniors, 7 ultimately received commissions, two of us stayed to retirement, one ultimately was an Army Artillery officer.

My zip year roommate couldn't get a contract - for some minor medical history issue he wasn't pilot qualified. He graduated on time, got into OCS, commissioned, got into UPT, got his wings, was a Distinguished Graduate of at least two PME courses. When I ran into him at the Pentagon, he was on the BGen select list, and ultimately retired with two stars.

Aggies who don't commission directly through ROTC benefit from their time in the Corps upon entering any of the services. There is a reason that the top cadets at ROTC summer Field Training are usually from A&M, VMI, or the Citadel..
The Collective
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This almost redeems you for your opinion of the first lady of OR.
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