Randolph Duke

769,696 Views | 3764 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by goodAg80
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GAC06 and JR 69 - thank you for your service.

I graduated in 86 at the height of the Reagan defense buildup. I was a non-reg who enlisted and was active duty (E-3) for my senior year, then went through OTS and served 4 years as a non-Corps Aggie officer.

How does Randy address those stats?
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Randy doesn't understand that ROTC programs at other colleges and universities are a nexus for surrounding colleges and universities. For instance, MIT doesn't have an ROTC program, but MIT students wishing to enroll in ROTC can enroll at another college's ROTC program in Boston. They have large programs, but only because they draw from every other college and university in the surrounding area.
Jock 07
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I'm just grateful that **** for brains is banned from editing Wikipedia
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Thank you for your service and the post. I spent my active duty time bouncing back and forth between being CO and XO of the headquarter battery of the OCS battalion at Ft Sill. In that time I saw 6 or 8 Aggies come through the program, some Corps D&C's some non-regs.

I few years back I answered at Muster for a high school friend of mine, a retired USMC officer who went through PLC at A&M as a non-reg. My roomie my senior year started out as a fish in the FTAB with a Marine contract and when his grade went in the toilet they pulled it. He got pissed off and went on to DS several semesters and told the Marines to shove when they wanted him back. He got drafted and ended up in the Ft Hood Band. He was at Kyle Field playing Bass Horn for the Army Band when we played West Point in '71 or '72. As an aside that was the
worst going back to work Monday in my long history of following Aggie football.

Like so many my age, my dad was a WWII vet. Family dynamics did not allow him to go to A&M right out of high school. He went to A&M as a veteran after the war, class of 1950. The author of "Aggie Go To War" wanted to interview my dad, but my dad's health did not allow for that.

Point is all of these are Aggies and veterans.

Over the last month, I've crossed path with two different Clemson grads. Both of them brought up the point that as long as there's a Texas A&M, Clemson will always be number two in the number of veterans in war time.


The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
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Charles M Satterfield III is not taking his lithium as prescribed.

My favorite time **** did the fake "I am so impressed with my trip to ****hole Station, Texas" posting was the first year Auburn traveled to ****hole Station. Some **** put up a story about how he was an Auburn fan who parked in a lot but got lost and just couldn't find the stadium. He asked an **** who was the friendliest person on the planet and was just so helpful, he had to write and tell everyone about it. It happened about six other times that evening and the ****s were just the finest type of redneck found anywhere in the Confederacy.

I commented over here once someone posted the story here and the **** lurkers included my posting on the list of offenses against the redneck cult for which I was to be put to death (in a classy redneck **** way, no doubt).

I first of all called bull**** on the claim that anyone can park close to their stadium and not be able to tell which direction to walk to get to the stadium. Come on, it's ****hole Station, Texas, for Christ's sake. Parked within 400 yards and can't find the stadium?! Um...****s are probably that dumb, but not many others are as dumb as ****s. I also called out bull**** on the "it happened six other times that night" bull****. Only an **** is stupid enough to get lost seven times in one night trying to walk from his car parked 400 yards away from the stadium and the actual stadium. SEVEN TIMES this person claims they got lost between the parking lot and the stadium and every time the friendly ****s came to his rescue. Sure they did.

The funniest part of the "friendliest and nicest fans anywhere in the world" stories they post about themselves and sign as being from visiting fans is they all tell the same bull**** story and they all have their logical and factual errors which give them away as being **** fabrications.

****s make ****ty engineers, ****ty conference mates, ****ty Texas and ****ty liars.
I am still amazed the ****s think people believe visiting fans actually write crap like those fake fan testimonials. It is impossible to be in College Station, Texas on the night of a home game, park in a designated stadium parking lot and not be able to detect where the stadium is.

Worst case, just walk the same direction every single person you see is walking. It is not as if there a tractor pull scheduled the same night as an **** home game and you will somehow accidentally walk into the wrong 100,000 seat stadium.

And how the same guy supposedly got lost seven times between the parking lot and the stadium and everyone was "the most courteous and helpful redneck you ever met" yet none of the first six people could given clear directions how to "walk yersef over yonder to where the big, brick stadium-looking building with all the bright lights is rising 200 foot higher than anything else for 50 miles in any direction."
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Randy lives in at best a two story building. He can't conceive that being behind a building taller than that might impair someone's ability to see through it to another structure beyond.

Plus it is impossible to be on tu's campus and not know where the stadium is located. It ain't called the 40 acres for nothing. It's a tiny campus compared to ours.
End Of Message
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View from my office (humble brag). And, yes, UTs campus is tiny both vertically and the actual ground that it covers.
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Okay it's time to ignore him now. This isn't even funny anymore.
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They're coming to take away ha-ha.
They're coming to take me away ho-ho.

Hee-hee ha-ha to the Happy Home
With trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile
And twiddle their thumbs and toes

They're coming to take him away.

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View from my office (humble brag). And, yes, UTs campus is tiny both vertically and the actual ground that it covers.

Sorry you couldn't pull the Houston Ship Channel.
Superior view, less stink, not haunted by Charles Whitman.
{Humble reality check}
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That's a different kind of sad.
Aggies fake visitor reviews now?
I pity him.
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It is really a shame that we can't get help for the mentally ill in this country, until after they commit their crimes. Many times in recent years, people fall through the cracks and when sometime horrific happens, friends and families admit they knew they were a ticking time bomb, but couldn't get them help.

Randy/ CMSIII really is a ticking time bomb and seriously needs help with his mental health problems. Hell, even many of the shagsters are making fun of him now. I just hope when he finally implodes, he only takes himself out and no other innocent souls.
Uncle Howdy
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Okay it's time to ignore him now. This isn't even funny anymore.

Yeah, his ramblings aren't even entertaining anymore
Jock 07
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Randy/ CMSIII really is a ticking time bomb and seriously needs help with his mental health problems. Hell, even many of the shagsters are making fun of him now. I just hope when he finally implodes, he only takes himself out and no other innocent souls.
I really love the fact that in his dumbass world this **** for brains thinks that this is a death threat
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He's become a poster child for "tries too hard"
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There are dudes wearing pink polos, drinking out of a brand new Yeti, rocking $300 sunglasses that think Charles tries too hard
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I won't bother going to the site where he posts. At one time it was mildly amusing seeing the stupid stuff that people said he posts. But then you realize he is truly troubled and there is no one who cares enough about him to seemingly try to get him the help he so desperately needs. Maybe there was someone who cared once who tried and failed. Obviously many in the fan base that he caters too are so consumed with anything they think puts A&M in a negative light that they don't do anything to discourage him or try to reach out to him to get the help he needs. It's pitiful. He is bad off.
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Who TF is this"Randy" *******? Why is he such a hateful little *****?
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Rock the good Ag ravaged randy's wife. And she loved it.
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View from my office (humble brag). And, yes, UTs campus is tiny both vertically and the actual ground that it covers.

Are you in the Travis Building? Looks a lot like my former view from the SFA building across the street.
End Of Message
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Rocco S
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Rock the good Ag's entire dorm ravaged randy's wife. And she loved it.
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Thought so. I used to work at TDA. Then Commissioner Cupcake showed up and I found another gig.
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It is amazing how this guy can live among sane people. Once again how disingenuous his "research" is.

What I thought was typically **** was that at least through the first half century of the cow college's existence (including WWI), the percentage of students who graduated and served in any capacity in the military was less than 8%.

When the "turditions" have nothing to do with the 92% of the students who went to the school because it was a glorified reform school for boys, then went back to the farm, and never spent one instant serving their country in the armed forces, those "turditions" are nothing but fake army bull****.

Only 8% of the students served in the military at any time during the first half-century of the school and yet they started claiming both that their school was a military academy and that their school's contributions to the military were greater than those of West Point and Annapolis combined. The **** lies are one thing. The scale of their lies are another matter altogether.
Charles what say you regarding this:
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The scale of our lies!
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The fact that this lunatic searches all day and all night about anything related to A&M again proves his "undiagnosed" Aspergers.

This Saturday at 9 (eastern), ABC (20/20-In An Instant) is airing a two hour documentary-type show on the **** bonfire collapse.

Obviously, the school administrators have seen it and the phrases "unavoidable act of God" an "totally unforeseen tragedy" were not included in the show. Otherwise, the **** administration would be cranking out press releases as furiously as a redneck with a Mason jar.
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Now whenever I see him post I like to remind him that all of this work, over all of this time, has produced absolutely zero results.

The amount of time he has wasted on the Aggies is staggering.
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The scale of their lies

I like that we are simultaneously Green Acres hicks and Skull and Bones/Illuminati conspiracy masterminds... pick one and stick with it Randy, we can't be both.
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Charles: Learn the difference between WWI and WW2. When did we ever say we produced more officers in WWI then the service academies?
You also cite the annual report produced by...wait for it...The Agriculture and Mechanical College of Texas. Don't believe in your own sources? What about Henry Dethloff, a fellow sip, who wrote extensively about A&M students going off to war? http://www.tamupress.com/product/Texas-Aggies-Go-to-War,1494.aspx


NEVER trust anything printed by that school over the past 50 years when it comes to verifying ANYTHING about their school. ALWAYS go back to original source documents and verify whatever bull**** fabrication they come up with, because every time they have to verify their bull****, the only sources they will use are bull**** pieces they themselves have produced. Just as they refuse to include E. King Gill's explanation for the origin of their 12th Man "turdition" they refuse to use official reports prepared by order of the legislature to verify their lies. Because the official documents never back up their lies.
The Collective
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If it isn't the hit piece that Randy hopes for, he's going to blame the SECSECSEC for it.
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It will never be the hit piece he's hoping for because anyone with any sense or talent or pull to get it published knows that he's full of crap.
Tom Doniphon
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all of this work, over all of this time, has produced absolutely zero results.

What a sweet life that lunatic has carved out for himself.
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The amount of time he has wasted on the Aggies is staggering.

If his time truly has no value in the real world, is it actually wasted?
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Random note on this...some guy named Randall Duke showed up in my LinkedIn as someone I may know. Listed as small business owner I believe.

Has he created a persona on LinkedIn as well?
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Haha! You moron. Still waiting on the SECDEF response? FLECKMAN & McGLYNN have closed shop and all attorneys disbarred? Judge Lake has been removed and under indictment? Good God are you a tool.

I am in the process of getting hard numbers to prove or disprove the **** claim that the contributions of both West point and Annapolis during WWII were so insignificant neither of their contributions approaches even half of what some cow college in Texas contributed. I sent an email to Sherman Sleep, Historian at the U.S. Military Academy as well as a phone call into teh curator of special collections at Annapolis. It seems the military academies are far more concentrated on developing leaders to protect the country than they are in claiming credit and making everything about them, so they don't have the number of graduates who served during WWII readily available,but they are working on it.

The cow college in Texas, on the other hand, has rough numbers but I find them highly suspect. Remember, they claim Horace Carswell to be an ****, even though Carswell was a graduate of TCU and even in the letter delivered to his widow after his death, Carswell spoke of his beloved TCU. Carwsll was not an ****.

As soon as West Point and Annapolis get back with me, I will pass along the information. After that, we will see what hard numbers the cow college wants to offer. Maybe Telco can get the **** Commandant involved and get us an official response.

Bottom line, West Point and Annapolis are both aware **** is claiming the contributions of the academies during WWII were vastly inferior to the contributions of the agricultural branch college of The University of Texas. They are working on the numbers and I am sure they will respond appropriately in due course.
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