Randolph Duke

769,789 Views | 3764 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by goodAg80
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Dan is obviously not well (understatement). A few things for certain is:
1. Dan is a mid 50's guy never married with no kids.
2. His ex girlfriend is a teacher in Frisco who married a guy that had a kid interested in playing baseball for A&M.
3. He is not gainfully employed and works on a project by project basis. Most of his income is derived from inheritance from his parents that he manages.

Dan please get professional help!

also why arent we taling about this. everyone here talks about his ex wife and the ag that split her. here we have some differing info. what do we ACTUALLY know. ive been following this for a while and would like to get the facts we have down

We know that his wife has seen more Aggie ****s than the Dixie Chicken urinals.
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so does he have an ex wife or not. holy ****
No he does not!

Nick stop being an ass.
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Have we mentioned lately l how this whole deal is based upon a bet white his Michigan "buddy" to prove how obsessed stoooooopidagggyggyyygiigygytgyg really is?
Randolph Duke is dead.
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Do we need to get a welfare check on Randy?
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Do we need to get a welfare check on Randy?
You mean more than the one he receives monthly?
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He is kind of starting to feel like our responsibility. Kind of like a sick animal that shows up at your place needing food and water.
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He is kind of starting to feel like our responsibility. Kind of like a sick animal that shows up at your place needing food and water.
I am just hoping that he doesn't emulate that other UT alum, Charles Whitman. I mean I don't know if he is violent, but his level of obsession is extremely unhealthy. Hopefully he doesn't harm others.
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He'd finally get his own little wiki section
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He is kind of starting to feel like our responsibility. Kind of like a sick animal that shows up at your place needing food and water.
I am just hoping that he doesn't emulate that other UT alum, Charles Whitman. I mean I don't know if he is violent, but his level of obsession is extremely unhealthy. Hopefully he doesn't harm others.
Seriously he is too much of a coward to do anything to anyone else but himself!
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As I understand it, the university is being given an opportunity to offer an on-the-record response to everything, as part of the vetting process. Once they have responded, or chosen to remain silent, things will move forward.

I am sure they will, yet again, lie through their teeth and show their shameless dishonesty. Unfortunately for them, this time it isn't going to work. But it will offer us a good laugh and serve as more rope for the ags to hang themselves with.

I'm guessing they were contacted today and are collectively $#@!ting their pants at this very moment.
SOOOO all those lawsuits against the Seahawks, et al. have been decided without any on-the-record response and vetting process?

Or is it that when the vetting process BY ACTUAL COURTS disagree with what this idiot thinks they're just lying? How will it be different this time?

And contacted today by whom?
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**** me, this guy is off his nut.

I love how the ags fabricate stories to make them feel self important and on so smart.

At one time they claimed I was banned from Wikipedia for the edits I was making, but I never was. There was never a basis for banning me from Wikipedia, because everything I was correcting was documented by independent, third party citations. of course, the 'evidence" the ****s were trying to say was more important was always garbage produced by the university. Now this guy claims I have been "laughed off each board" but I haven't been laughed off even one that I am aware of. They claim my effort to expose the truth behind the fraudulent 12th Man story is because my wife had an affair with an ****. Again, not true. They told themselves I was a registered child molester and in prison (I guess they never stopped to think that felons in prison aren't granted unlimited internet access 24 hrs a day). At other times, they have determined after my divorce I was sharing a hovel with a roommate and last I knew I was supposedly sleeping on my sister's couch.

I don't care if it takes an extra day, week or month for the people in charge of this to make sure everything has been vetted and fact checked. This isn't a game of playing "gotcha." This isn't an exercise of proving "my school is better than your school." I am accusing senior TAMU administrators of perpetuating a major fraud, and I am doing it as publicly as I know how. There is a lot at stake here and if high profile people are willing to put their careers and professional reputations at risk based, to any degree, on the research I have done, I am more than content to let them do what they have to do to be assured the conclusions I have drawn are 100% accurate.

That ****s are trying to discredit me, my research and even the fact that my research will, yet again, be used to produce something substantive is no surprise. In the very near future, they are going to be be forced to deal with a harsh, brutal reality. And hopefully senior TAMU administrators, such as John Sharp, will be severely and publicly humiliated, because that is the very least they deserve. If I have my way, the Texas Attorney General will get to weigh in on what else John Sharp and other TAMU administrators deserve.

Today is the 180th anniversary of the beginning of the siege of the Alamo. As I have said many times, not a single one of those men who died at the Alamo did so saying "This will all be worth it if some day, the administrators of a branch college of the state university can fabricate fraudulent stories and convince the public they are true."

Wtf does the Alamo have to do with anything?
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I would hate to have to work in the 12th Man Cover-up department tonight (on the 12th-but-not-really floor of Bright). I'm sure they will be spending all night shredding fraud documents before the **** hits the fan.
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As I understand it, the university is being given an opportunity to offer an on-the-record response to everything, as part of the vetting process. Once they have responded, or chosen to remain silent, things will move forward.

I am sure they will, yet again, lie through their teeth and show their shameless dishonesty. Unfortunately for them, this time it isn't going to work. But it will offer us a good laugh and serve as more rope for the ags to hang themselves with.

I'm guessing they were contacted today and are collectively $#@!ting their pants at this very moment.
SOOOO all those lawsuits against the Seahawks, et al. have been decided without any on-the-record response and vetting process?

Or is it that when the vetting process BY ACTUAL COURTS disagree with what this idiot thinks they're just lying? How will it be different this time?

And contacted today by whom?
We don't want to ruin the surprise. Patience.
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As I have said many times, not a single one of those men who died at the Alamo did so saying "This will all be worth it if some day, the administrators of a branch college of the state university can fabricate fraudulent stories and convince the public they are true."
They sure as **** didn't die believing their sacrifice was for your eventual sad lunacy, ya freak.

Just effin laughable. Literally.
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As I have said many times, not a single one of those men who died at the Alamo did so saying "This will all be worth it if some day, the administrators of a branch college of the state university can fabricate fraudulent stories and convince the public they are true."
They sure as **** didn't die believing their sacrifice was for your eventual sad lunacy, ya freak.

Just effin laughable. Literally.

That particular bit makes me wonder if RD is actually a Ketch horcrux.
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People are interested folks.

The only people burrowing deeper is Duke in the hole that he's in.

Just be patient. The ag administration is being asked about representations concerning their 12th Man "tradition" they have made in their trademark filing and in their recent federal court pleadings that seemingly are quite problematic.

Basically, read my original 2013 Horn Sports story. People are interested in the subject and burrowing even deeper than I did.
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I would hate to have to work in the 12th Man Cover-up department tonight (on the 12th-but-not-really floor of Bright). I'm sure they will be spending all night shredding fraud documents before the **** hits the fan.
We have it on the 12th floor of Bright. You have to take the secret elevator to get there. All the other elevators don't go all the way to 12.
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A Ketch horcrux!! Holy sheet I nearly died from laughter.

Chimp's toupe is most definitely one of Ketch's horcruxes.
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Serious question, what's the end game? What's his eventual point?

Trade mark gets revoked?

Wouldn't we just get it back again? It's clearly been in use since the 20s here, that's not debatable it's very obviously associated with our university. Getting it back would be easy, would it not?

(I'm giving this jabronee way too much credit here, yes)
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That ****s are trying to discredit me, my research and even the fact that my research will, yet again, be used to produce something substantive is no surprise.
Show me ONE TIME where his "research" was used to produce something substantive. JUST ONE.

Well...there are a lot of substantive comments in 24 pages of TexAgs.
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That's the thing. There's a legitimate chance that he has an undiagnosed cognitive disorder like Aspergers, and there is no endgame for him. Let's list off and describe some symptoms of Aspergers, and you tell me:

Intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, and physical clumsiness are typical of the condition, but are not required for diagnosis.

Pursuit of specific and narrow areas of interest is one of the most striking possible features of AS.[1] Individuals with AS may collect volumes of detailed information on a relatively narrow topic such as weather data or star names, without necessarily having a genuine understanding of the broader topic.[1][9] For example, a child might memorize camera model numbers while caring little about photography.[1] This behavior is usually apparent by age 5 or 6.[1] Although these special interests may change from time to time, they typically become more unusual and narrowly focused, and often dominate social interaction so much that the entire family may become immersed. Because narrow topics often capture the interest of children, this symptom may go unrecognized.[9]

According to the Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA) diagnostic test, a lack of interest in fiction and a positive preference towards non-fiction is common among adults with AS.

Although individuals with Asperger syndrome acquire language skills without significant general delay and their speech typically lacks significant abnormalities, language acquisition and use is often atypical.[9] Abnormalities include verbosity, abrupt transitions, literal interpretations and miscomprehension of nuance, use of metaphor meaningful only to the speaker, auditory perception deficits, unusually pedantic, formal or idiosyncratic speech, and oddities in loudness, pitch, intonation, prosody, and rhythm.[1] Echolalia has also been observed in individuals with AS.[36]

Three aspects of communication patterns are of clinical interest: poor prosody, tangential and circumstantial speech, and marked verbosity. Although inflection and intonation may be less rigid or monotonic than in classic autism, people with AS often have a limited range of intonation: speech may be unusually fast, jerky or loud. Speech may convey a sense of incoherence; the conversational style often includes monologues about topics that bore the listener, fails to provide context for comments, or fails to suppress internal thoughts. Individuals with AS may fail to detect whether the listener is interested or engaged in the conversation. The speaker's conclusion or point may never be made, and attempts by the listener to elaborate on the speech's content or logic, or to shift to related topics, are often unsuccessful.[9]
Rocco S
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Wow holy crap that couldn't possibly be a more spot on description of someone

Well maybe besides calling Muy a bald hammock swinging dork
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Oh snap!


Telco, the TAMU administration will have their opportunity to explain their actions and answer what has to be for them some very uncomfortable questions. In time, their response will be made public. And in time, the TAMU administrators who have been outright lying at every possible opportunity about the school's 12th Man tradition, will be held accountable.

No bull**** "Red Thompson letter," no unsubstantiated fairy tale from 1922 that we find out was a radio play fabricated by the head of the alumni association in the late 1930s. No more **** bull****. Just the truth and accountability. Oh, and restitution of unlawfully obtained trademark licensing revenues for the past 27 years and restitution to the parties the university defrauded in obtaining those revenues.

Maybe at the end of the day, John Sharp and the rest of the ****s will learn a lesson about honesty and integrity. And then maybe **** nation will start taking those values seriously.
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Meanwhile Texas has trademarked a color, the letter T, generic phrases, a hand sign, and a mascot name that was previously used by a beer.

What a ****ing moron.
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  • 1.
    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
    "he is suing the TV network for slander"

    • verb

    • 1.
      make false and damaging statements about (someone).
      "they were accused of slandering the head of state"
      defame (someone's character), blacken someone's name, tell lies about, speak ill/evil of,sully someone's reputation, libel, smear, cast aspersions on, spread scandal about, besmirch,tarnish, taint; More
    • [/ol]
  • [/ol]

    I'm just saying.
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    Meanwhile Texas has trademarked a color, the letter T, generic phrases, a hand sign, and a mascot name that was previously used by a beer.

    What a ****ing moron.
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    It is hilarious that Randy says there is no proof. The reality is there is overwhelming proof.

    Dr. E. King Gill and Dana X. Bible were the two principal individuals involved. Dr. Gill was a notoriously humble man who spent much of his life quietly helping people, but even so, both men verified the story numerous times. Texags even has a recorded interview.
    Credible Source
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    restitution of unlawfully obtained trademark licensing revenues for the past 27 years and restitution to the parties the university defrauded in obtaining those revenues.

    Omfg lol. He really is ******ed I think. This is actually getting less funny and more sad. I think he really believes this stuff. How many times does he say the line about a 1930s radio play per conversation? I was joking at first but he really is mentally disabled.
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    What is he hoping to accomplish? I do not see any way that this ends in public shaming of university employees and exposing of additional fraudulent activity by state employees. This makes no sense outside of mere obsession with a school that he has resentment toward.
    An Aggie started banging his wife and eventually she left him for that Aggie. Draw what conclusion that you will, but to me it means that Mr. Duke has a tiny peen.
    Based on the poster a few pages back that claims to know him, this isn't true.
    Wonder who blue starred that one?
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    Duke apparently spent 130 pages and untold hours arguing a point that was ultimately rejected and is no longer part of the article. But don't worry Randolph... there will always be a new windmill on down the road!
    The unfathomable thing to me is that there were people dedicated (or obsessive) enough to argue with him for 130 pages about it. I would've given up long before that, but I'm glad they didn't, whoever they are.
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    The only possible way this can end

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    According to the tsip lore, the Longhorn logo was designed by Rooster Andrews with a crayola. That drawing was then translated by a designer whose name is unknown. Odd that they attribute to a "longhorn legend" with no proof.

    How are we to be certain that the drawing wasn't lifted from another source? An iconic logo with no credit to the designer? Disrespectful.
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    According to the tsip lore, the Longhorn logo was designed by Rooster Andrews with a crayola. That drawing was then translated by a designer whose name is unknown. Odd that they attribute to a "longhorn legend" with no proof.

    How are we to be certain that the drawing wasn't lifted from another source? An iconic logo with no credit to the designer? Disrespectful.
    There were drawings of uteruses (uterui?) long before Rooster Andrews was around.
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