Randolph Duke

769,777 Views | 3764 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by goodAg80
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Someone mentioned that he is living on his sisters couch near the White Rock spillway in Dallas.
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And before he changes another narrative....when this is over he can't say, I was just trolling the Ags.
The real story here is, has been and will be how the loyalty of the ****s to themselves and their own culture is greater than their loyalty to the principles of honesty and integrity that the state of Texas was founded upon.

The ****s who drank the kool-aid and fell for all the crap they were taught at fish camp should be furious with John Sharp about this whole sordid affair. But instead, they will claim victim status, strike out at people who present them with the truth and, only later, come kicking and screaming to the conclusion that they need to do whatever it is that is the right to do. And after that, they will probably, yet again, re-write their history to change the facts behind this whole story and begin teaching the fabricated version of their history at fish camp. After all, its a terdition.
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Doctors are notoriously bad with numbers. If they'd been any good at math they wouldn't have had to find such an unpleasant way to make a living.
God made the country, and man made the town. William Cowper

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His latest verbal diarrhea


I find it ironic that their greatest tradition that is supposed to speak so loudly about their values as a group truly does speak loudly about their values as a group.

Actually, from all I can tell, the rules for eligibility didn't really kick in in the SWC until the fall of 1922. Gill was enrolled as a student and that was the only qualification to be on the team.

One thing that got Charlie Moran in so much trouble when he was coaching at **** was that he would have ringers enroll in the middle of the semester on a Friday afternoon so they could be eligible to play, play on Saturday and drop out of the school on Sunday. Crap like that (and especially dirty play) was why when the SWC was founded in 1915 that **** wasn't allowed to join the conference unless they got rid of Charlie Moran. Moran went on to coach at Centre College against the **** team that played in the E. King Gill 1922 Dixie Classic game. He also went on to a number of other scandals and was later driven out of coaching altogether.

So Gill was eligible. In the fall of 1922, the eligibility rules were tightened to not allow freshmen to play varsity ball, to require the individual be in good standing as a full-time student and to have to sit out a year after transferring institutions. So even under the tighter rules, Gill would still been eligible.

It was because the rules for eligibility were so lax that no one thought a thing about Gill coming down to the field and putting on a uniform. Even if there hadn't been 9 other substitutes standing on the sideline and if Gill wouldn't have come down from the press box, it wouldn't have even been a big deal if the team played with fewer that 11 players. back then, teams having fewer than 11 players in a game happened more than one would think. In the 1894 Harvard-Yale game, Harvard finished the game with just 8 players on the field.

The eligibility rules, the precedent for playing with fewer than 11 players and the fact that even if the team was depleted of substitutes and only one student out of the 2,000 who were there that day was "willing to come to the aid of the team" were elements of E.E. McQuillen's story that were never addressed in the radio play.

Ask yourself what would have happened if Gill had gone in a gotten hurt? If they really needed substitutes and there was such a willingness to come to the aid of the team by the student body don't you think more than one of 2,000 students would have come down and would have done so before having to be begged to do so by the coach?

It is kind of like 2,000 people standing on the shoreline watching a drowning man and not doing anything at the first sign of danger, but waiting until the drowning man was begging for help. And after one guy finally rescued the drowning man the other 1,999 all started to pat themselves on the back and claim moral superiority for their willingness to save the man's life if he were ever drowning.
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I love what I do and have always been great at math.
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I bet these rants disappear when he finally finds a woman of sound mind to consent to sex with him without monetary compensation being involved.
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The eligibility rules, the precedent for playing with fewer than 11 players and the fact that even if the team was depleted of substitutes and only one student out of the 2,000 who were there that day was "willing to come to the aid of the team" were elements of E.E. McQuillen's story that were never addressed in the radio play.
Who knows since neither an audio recording nor even a text of the dramatization has ever been found. Randolph continues to simply make up claims and assumptions about the contents of that radio program based, not on facts, but his own desires and agenda.
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Super tsip Randy Duke:

"My issue in the whole matter is the aspect of public corruption. When all the dust settles, the one interview I hope I get to see is Chuckie Sonntag. I want to know how he feels knowing everything the university put him through was part of what seems by every possible explanation to be a fraudulent scheme."

Looks like today is Dan Satterfield aka Randy "the typical tsip" Duke's lucky day. Sonntag has been interviewed.

More from Satterfield-Duke:

"To refresh memories of anyone who has forgotten, Chuckie Sonntag a double amputee living in Buffalo who was tormented by TAMU officials for his using the '12th Man' phrase (which has long been part of the Buffalo Bills marketing campaign) in a website that was part of a petition drive to encourage the new owners of the team to keep the team in Buffalo. Sonntag was not benefiting financially from the use of the phrase. Sonntag was someone of VERY limited financial resources who as badgered and threatened for months by the university. They threatened to financially destroy him for his use of the phrase."

"After all the dust settles, after the university and its alumni claim they are the ones being treated unfairly and plead that they are the true victims, after they have tried to blame me and make me the villain and after people finally come to their senses and realize that the university's representing their fairy tale as a fact in trademark filings, in federal court pleadings and even in the public arena is inconsistent with what we expect from public employees, I hope someone asks Chuck Sonntag when it feels like to know the people who were threatening to ruin his already meager life were scamming him the entire time."

"So when people say 'Who cares?'or 'Why is this even a subject of discussion?', I respond 'If public employees are involved in corrupt activities and are intentionally seeking to destroy innocent lives, someone needs to tell them to stop.'

This isn't about inter-school rivalries. This isn't about petty jealousies. This is about public corruption. And it needs to stop.

Sonntag publicly speaks out about his dealings with A&M:

"We're really pleased with the way the university handled the dispute and we fully recognize Texas A&M is the owner of the '12th Man' trademark," Sonntag was quoted as saying in a joint press release from his group and Texas A&M."

Repeat: Sonntag said "We're really pleased with the way the university handled the dispute."

And boom goes the dynamite as another in a long list of false narratives authored by Duke / Satterfield crashes and sinks.

"Oh, the horror! Those meen old aggsiiesieess! Meeeen aggseises!!"
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This morning's Duke diatribe:

My issue in the whole matter is the aspect of public corruption. When all the dust settles, the one interview I hope I get to see is Chuckie Sonntag. I want to know how he feels knowing everything the university put him through was part of what seems by every possible explanation to be a fraudulent scheme.

To refresh memories of anyone who has forgotten, Chuckie Sonntag a a double amputee living in Buffalo who was tormented by TAMU officials for his using the "12th Man" phrase (which has long been part of the Buffalo Bills marketing campaign) in a website that was part of a petition drive to encourage the new owners of the team to keep the team in Buffalo. Sonntag was not benefiting financially from the use of the phrase. Sonntag was someone of VERY limited financial resources who as badgered and threatened for months by the university. They threatened to financially destroy him for his use of the phrase. And the entire time, TAMU senior administrators knew the whole campaign to destroy this poor guy was part of an elaborate scam to falsely represent their 1922/E. King Gill/radio play fairy tale as factual. The only other possible explanation is that not a single individual in a position of responsibility in the entire TAMU system has actual knowledge of the university's history or traditions. For the administrators at a major public research university system, I find that impossible.

These are public employees acting in the name of the people of the state of Texas. Who is going to be the next target of their scam?

After all the dust settles, after the university and its alumni claim they are the ones being treated unfairly and plead that they are the true victims, after they have tried to blame me and make me the villain and after people finally come to their senses and realize that the university's representing their fairy tale as a fact in trademark filings, in federal court pleadings and even in the public arena is inconsistent with what we expect from public employees, I hope someone asks Chuck Sonntag when it feels like to know the people who were threatening to ruin his already meager life were scamming him the entire time.

So when people say "Who cares?"of "Why is this even a subject of discussion?" I respond "If public employees are involved in corrupt activities and are intentionally seeking to destroy innocent lives, someone needs to tell them to stop." This isn't about inter-school rivalries. This isn't about petty jealousies. This is about public corruption. And it needs to stop.

That makes me sooo sad. Poor Chuckie.

Because they were all there watching the game in 1922 right? I mean how else would they know that King went down on the field?

What this idiot doesn't understand is that you CAN file a trademark for a word or phrase. The Gill story could've never happened and we could still own the trademark because we it is a symbol of our university and we filed for it before anyone else wanted to use it.

I just want to know why he cares so much. Even if we lost the trademark that still doesn't prevent us from using the term. Besides, most, if not all of us wouldn't even care or notice if we did.
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Several things drove Randy / Satterfield over the edge of sanity.

One was his failed quest to prove A&M isn't the older brother. Alas, without a time-traveling Delorean, there was simply no way he could alter the undeniable facts:

Big brother "Daddy" A&M, date of birth 1876.

Lil brother sip, date of birth 1883.

Since that embarrassing failure, he has tried several other times to disprove and undermine other aspects of A&M's history, and on every attempt he's made, he has failed.

As he will on this one, too.

Poor lil brother Randy.
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I bet these rants disappear when he finally finds a woman of sound mind to consent to sex with him without monetary compensation being involved.
That is a very elegant way to say, "This **** ain't ever gonna end."
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He went after the War Hymn last Memorial Day. Quite hilarious for us. Not so much for him.
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I find it ironic that their greatest tradition...
Our greatest tradition is Muster in my opinion, and I suspect that most Ags feel the same way.

Will he try and save us from ourselves on that too?
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His latest verbal diarrhea


It was because the rules for eligibility were so lax that no one thought a thing about Gill coming down to the field and putting on a uniform. Even if there hadn't been 9 other substitutes standing on the sideline and if Gill wouldn't have come down from the press box, it wouldn't have even been a big deal if the team played with fewer that 11 players. back then, teams having fewer than 11 players in a game happened more than one would think. In the 1894 Harvard-Yale game, Harvard finished the game with just 8 players on the field.

Can someone point out the Press Box for me?

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He went after the War Hymn last Memorial Day. Quite hilarious for us. Not so much for him.

Yep. And he has gone after -- and failed miserably -- to disprove A&M's WW1 history, A&M's WW2 history, and A&M's patriotic honoring of Medal of Honor recipients who have attended A&M.

Duke is very good at failure.
Ag03 CQE
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Thanks. Raises an interesting question. He represented himself as an attorney at a law firm in NYC that also has offices in Dallas.

I feel like the whole story regarding the bet and being a big-time NYC attorney was all theatre intended to give him a reason for what he was doing beyond good old-fashioned obsession.
Rocco S
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Doctors are notoriously bad with numbers. If they'd been any good at math they wouldn't have had to find such an unpleasant way to make a living.

I've never heard a doctor say they wish they had been an accountant
Brazos Ag 1970
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With the information the Colts had, there was no way in hell they were going to pay a dime to the university and the attorneys for the Colts know that by the time the season rolls around this fall, the trademark will be invalidated.
Actually, Randy, by the time the season rolls around this fall the Colts will have removed "12th Man" from their Ring of Honor.

But you were close!
Biz Ag
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Our greatest tradition is Muster in my opinion, and I suspect that most Ags feel the same way.

Will he try and save us from ourselves on that too?

That jackwagon will probably claim this picture wasn't taken on Corregidor.
Ser Pounce
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I think his next move will be trying to prove the 12 Bonfire deaths were staged because we have an unhealthy obsession with the number 12. Please save us Randy!
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Our greatest tradition is Muster in my opinion, and I suspect that most Ags feel the same way.

Will he try and save us from ourselves on that too?

That jackwagon will probably claim this picture wasn't taken on Corregidor.
Right, because it doesn't look anything like that...............

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I think his next move will be trying to prove the 12 Bonfire deaths were staged because we have an unhealthy obsession with the number 12. Please save us Randy!
Yup. Randy will definitely claim it was a "false flag" operation.
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Our greatest tradition is Muster in my opinion, and I suspect that most Ags feel the same way.

Will he try and save us from ourselves on that too?

That jackwagon will probably claim this picture wasn't taken on Corregidor.
You silly aggsie...everyone know that's the entrance to the steam tunnels!
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Randy took the time to reach out to Vincent LoTiempo and inform him of our fraudulent activities

"Vince LoTiempo is the only attorney I know who has gotten a trademark holder to pay a supposed infringer to settle a complaint the trademark holder initiated. He knows the details of the fraudulent representations that ****s have made in obtaining the trademark. "

He even references the Wikipedia defacement in the video! What a *********lunatic

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I think his next move will be trying to prove the 12 Bonfire deaths were staged because we have an unhealthy obsession with the number 12. Please save us Randy!
It's eerie enough that 12 people perished in the Bonfire tragedy. But don't give him any ideas.
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Don't forget he was going to get a personal call from the secretary of defense about our military college status. And how everyone in the corps was going to jail for saluting in fake uniforms.
Oscar Diggs
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Don't forget he was going to get a personal call from the secretary of defense about our military college status. And how everyone in the corps was going to jail for saluting in fake uniforms.
I think it would be great if an Aggie stationed at the Pentagon could respond to his letter using OSD letterhead and a DC postmark. Let Randy know they have top men working on the issue and make a suggestion that he send DOJ a copy of all his research.

If it has not already happened, this would at least keep Randy from ever flying again or legally purchasing a firearm.
Brazos Ag 1970
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Okay, here's where I get defensive because of, among other folks, Keith Olbermann's misguidance of public opinion due to shoddy and inaccurate reporting. From Randolph:
My issue in the whole matter is the aspect of public corruption. When all the dust settles, the one interview I hope I get to see is Chuckie Sonntag. I want to know how he feels knowing everything the university put him through was part of what seems by every possible explanation to be a fraudulent scheme.

To refresh memories of anyone who has forgotten, Chuckie Sonntag a a double amputee living in Buffalo who was tormented by TAMU officials for his using the "12th Man" phrase (which has long been part of the Buffalo Bills marketing campaign) in a website that was part of a petition drive to encourage the new owners of the team to keep the team in Buffalo. Sonntag was not benefiting financially from the use of the phrase. Sonntag was someone of VERY limited financial resources who as badgered and threatened for months by the university. They threatened to financially destroy him for his use of the phrase. And the entire time, TAMU senior administrators knew the whole campaign to destroy this poor guy was part of an elaborate scam to falsely represent their 1922/E. King Gill/radio play fairy tale as factual. The only other possible explanation is that not a single individual in a position of responsibility in the entire TAMU system has actual knowledge of the university's history or traditions. For the administrators at a major public research university system, I find that impossible.

These are public employees acting in the name of the people of the state of Texas. Who is going to be the next target of their scam?

After all the dust settles, after the university and its alumni claim they are the ones being treated unfairly and plead that they are the true victims, after they have tried to blame me and make me the villain and after people finally come to their senses and realize that the university's representing their fairy tale as a fact in trademark filings, in federal court pleadings and even in the public arena is inconsistent with what we expect from public employees, I hope someone asks Chuck Sonntag when it feels like to know the people who were threatening to ruin his already meager life were scamming him the entire time.

So when people say "Who cares?"of "Why is this even a subject of discussion?" I respond "If public employees are involved in corrupt activities and are intentionally seeking to destroy innocent lives, someone needs to tell them to stop." This isn't about inter-school rivalries. This isn't about petty jealousies. This is about public corruption. And it needs to stop.
Bull****. Sonntag was part of a group of 4 or so guys who, as a group, infringed upon the mark. Our folks sent them a C&D - on at least one occasion - and did whatever else in terms of attempted contact via other means (phone, email, etc.) and these 4 guys in Buffalo didn't reply.

We don't want to sue people. It's expensive in dollars and work hours. The next step is to make the other side aware you will file suit unless they comply. (Spin would be "threatening to sue," "brow-beating," "arm-twisting," etc.)

Olbermann mistakenly reported that we were "suing" a double amputee who makes $800/mo. in a Social Security check, implying that we were suing him for monetary profit, and that we were mean, insensitive and cruel doing so and for making him walk around Buffalo taking down his posters.

1) Hey, Olbermann: If Sonntag was made to take down those posters, blame his 3 presumedly able-bodied Alpha-Hotel buddies for making the "crip" do their work for them. (Read: Chuckie probably didn't put the stuff up, and probably didn't take the stuff down.)

2) We weren't suing Sonntag. We were trying to get him to comply with trademark law.

3) Why weren't Chuckie's 3 friends and cohorts paraded around on national TV to A&M's demonization? Maybe because, you know, they could walk?

4) The whole thing is avoided if these Bills fans didn't, A) infringe upon a registered trademark per the USPTO, or, B) complied with the C&D instead of ignoring it.

Demonizing A&M for this is super wrong and infuriatingly disgusting. Olbermann even said, "Screw you!" to everyone associated with Texas A&M "until you get this handled" (close paraphrase).
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Olberman is such a sleaze bag, he keeps getting fired for not being able to tell the truth to save his life. But I'm sure Randy thinks he is the bees knees.
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Randy says this

After all the dust settles, after the university and its alumni claim they are the ones being treated unfairly and plead that they are the true victims, after they have tried to blame me and make me the villain and after people finally come to their senses and realize that the university's representing their fairy tale as a fact in trademark filings, in federal court pleadings and even in the public arena is inconsistent with what we expect from public employees, I hope someone asks Chuck Sonntag when it feels like to know the people who were threatening to ruin his already meager life were scamming him the entire time.
and this

and, only later, come kicking and screaming to the conclusion that they need to do whatever it is that is the right to do.

The thing is NONE of that stuff is going to happen, because people don't need to "come to their senses" to see that this idiot really is just a foolish, pathetic, delusional, obsessed moron who probably hasn't seen sunshine in months because he spends all his time online in his pathetic abode doing "research" on us and our traditions.
Al Bula
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Poor Randy. The maroon conspiracy foiled him again! He imagines he is some sort of Henry Jones type about to uncover the secret of the Aggie 12th Man.

Jock 07
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He went after the War Hymn last Memorial Day. Quite hilarious for us. Not so much for him.

Yep. And he has gone after -- and failed miserably -- to disprove A&M's WW1 history, A&M's WW2 history, and A&M's patriotic honoring of Medal of Honor recipients who have attended A&M.

Duke is very good at failure.
That's right, almost forgot about that. Remember how that Mensa candidate claimed foxholes and trench warfare didn't exist because they would fill up with rain water or some ****? What a dunce.
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He went after the War Hymn last Memorial Day. Quite hilarious for us. Not so much for him.

Yep. And he has gone after -- and failed miserably -- to disprove A&M's WW1 history, A&M's WW2 history, and A&M's patriotic honoring of Medal of Honor recipients who have attended A&M.

Duke is very good at failure.
Does anyone have links to these? That would provide a nice read.
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Do a search on this board for Randolph Duke in the title right before Memorial Day.
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