I guess there's nothing wrong with taking that picture (and a few of the others) to see if it does the job for whatever you're tying to show, but when you look at those results, why would you actually upload it? Whatever they were going for, it obviously didn't work. Just hit delete and move to the next shot.
That entire set is really frustrating. It's the kind of listing that makes me want to contact the realtor and offer some assistance, but then again it looks like the images aren't really a priority and I'd be wasting my time even asking. Shouldn't the seller say something?
You've got to question the intelligence/good financial sense of a seller who agrees to pay a realtor 6% for what's in that link. Might as well just pay for a flat-fee MLS listing. But my guess is both the seller and his agent know that a 8000 sq ft house priced at $49/sq ft will eventually sell, regardless of what the listing photos look like - as evidenced by the fact that this property is under contract.
Really, it's the realtor shooting him/herself in the foot. Who in their right mind would hire that agent after seeing that listing? HAR says he has three other listings, two of which are residential lots. I know it's probably not easy to make a living as a realtor...at $389,900, I'm guessing you have to sell 6-8 homes a year to make a livable income. And there is a ton of competition out there, much of it with listings that look 1000x better than this one.
P.S. The house with the Tuaca machine is under contract! Looks like those spiffed up pics and better MLS description did the trick! I wonder if the buyer requested that the machine convey...