Take me with you
Because we're all friends, I'll just be uncharacteristically blunt:Boy Named Sue said:
I'm just saying I won't risk more than $5k at a time. $400/day seems doable
Listen to this man.$30,000 Millionaire said:Because we're all friends, I'll just be uncharacteristically blunt:Boy Named Sue said:
I'm just saying I won't risk more than $5k at a time. $400/day seems doable
I guess so, but I don't count on 8% a day. It's fantasy. I'm happy with more than zero and I recognize that some days are easy, some days are hard. Trading realistically is like (percentage wise on an account, -0.2%, +0.6%, +1%, -1.1%, +0.8%.
You should not focus on what you can gain, but you should focus on what you can lose. Nobody here will make it until they start thinking that way. The days I'm really happy with are not the +3% or +4% days. Sure they're great. The days I'm happy about are the ones where I was dead wrong, out of sync with the market, and was only -1%.
Trading is probabilistic betting on expected value. You must have an edge, meaning your strategy works at least 55%-60% of the time. After that it's a coin flip and your wins must at least equal your losses. Do not eat like a bird and turd like an elephant.
Well, your math is correct but what I said was actually worse. $400/day from $5k is 8% a day!Copa515 said:
Not piling on. I just like doing the math.
If you made 1% per trading day and started with $5000, you would have over $60000 in the first year (250 days).
It would take less than 5 years to be a billionaire.
How do you get around Pattern Day Trader regs? Or do you have at least $25k in it?Copa515 said:
Over 1.1 trillion in a year. lol
But I understand what you mean. I opened a small account separate from my regular account just to day trade and my goal is to average $50 a day right now.
You mean the change in the couch?topher06 said:
This is TexAgs. Everyone has at least a billion to play around with.
I have $1 Billion in WWR... the other billion is used SPX 0DTEtopher06 said:
This is TexAgs. Everyone has at least a billion to play around with.
jimmo said:
made a 0DTE SPX butterfly at 4165 w/ 20 pt wings
a 1st for me. the TDA simulator wouldn't accept it for some reason.
closed it after a small profit lol.
but it was good to at least learn the process.
did leave some $$ on the table tho..
Boy Named Sue said:
Not me, I only made $365
FJ43 said:Boy Named Sue said:
Not me, I only made $365
You made $
Today was a win.
Boy Named Sue said:
Not me, I only made $365