Question to this board -- I have been playing some (many/most?) of the options mentioned on this board since late April. I've seen several people mention "I'm up XX% in my account this year..." or something similar. I can't easily do that because my option plays are in my retirement acct and are a small fraction of my total portfolio.
But what I can do, since I'm retired and have plenty of free time, is post a fairly detailed analysis of over 125 option trades (and counting) that I've made since April based on the recommendations from this thread. I've used the data from these option trades -- tracking daily changes on the option price -- to spreadsheet and compare over a dozen different strategies for "what might have been" had I followed a particular strategy. Do I wait until the option doubles and sell half to go net free? Should I take some profits off if it's up 50%? When do I bail on a loser?
I've used this data to land on a strategy that works for me and has delivered close to 6 figures in profits since late April. I use the word "strategy" fairly loosely, since I basically rely on the recommendations from this board for what to potentially invest in, then I basically follow a formula and let what happens, happen, with very few interventions. I'm happy to share my findings and promote some discussion.
I'm not a charting guru, I can't nail entry and exit points like some of you can. Quite frankly... I'm too lazy. I live on the beach in Florida, and enjoying a nice day on the beach or balcony means more to me than spending all of my time following the market. The only advantages I have are time on my hands and a healthy balance in my portfolio that enables me to be fairly active (currently have 20 option plays working) and maybe tolerate more risks than many of the contributors on this board.
If there is sufficient interest, I will pull together a rather long post toward the end of the year, laying out the results of all the data and spreadsheet analyses. I can document all the winners/losers of the 125+ plays and which of the strategies I've considered would have done best (in hindsight).
I figure that would be the best way to contribute to this thread, given what I've got out of it. Let me know if there may be an appetite for this.
Advanced warning - it would be a very long post, probably multiple entries. I'd start a new thread to avoid cluttering this one up.