I've made a little money on TVIX today. Now I'm going to try to make a little money off of oil using a 3X leveraged ETF OILU. Oil has been down all week and continues today. So far its looking good.
Also bought some SBUX & GH today. I'm hoping the old "buy when everyone is selling" works for me for once.
I'm still down 25-35% in my FSLY, OSTK, ROKU holdings. And sitting at a respectable 20+-% down in my SFIX, SHOP & TTD.
Maybe, just maybe we, can get this portfolio back to even by being less stupid and more not stupid.
Also also, I found the ETF that trades almost opposite TVIX and its EXIV. TVIX and I have a love/hate relationship. I make a little money and then she kicks me in the nuts and takes it all back plus a lot more. I'm hoping after spending time with TVIX, getting a little good stuff, I can switch over to her sister and then get a little more. (note trading in leveraged etf's is not for those that cannot stomach large losses at a moments notice).