thank you redsox for the support with that, great way to pay it forward (not that I'm seeking that for the advice but it definitely helps, but for the tastytrade/tastyworks people I learned my core strategy from and will always be eternally grateful to for giving me the tools to make a full time living at my #1 passion in life) if you are going that direction anyways of course won't regret the technology, super low commissions, and customer service they offer (not to mention the education content through tastytrade and the 2 free years of Bob the Trader built into the platform where you can see other traders trades for ideas or direct mimic then alter strikes to your preference if you really like---great feature for new traders looking for trade ideas, also the trade grid filters help you find stocks with higher implied vol ranks, or that have had big moves etc
and thank you pacecar for posting, haven't visited this thread in a while, with markets constantly at these levels, volatility sucks and not much to post lately, I'm just making a living on "skinny pigs" for now but staying small and keeping powder dry for those nice vol spikes to load the guns (there have been a few like last week and and they certainly help but can't wait for some true, not insanely high, but sustained VIX levels b/w 15 and early to mid 20's hopefully at some point in time)
I was curious if oldarmy had posted in general market takes recently as we've had some really high volume (w/out aid of triple witching days) on days with record highs (ie i know 300million plus volume on $DJI is a key tell for him but curious how he takes it into context of this market----when I first started under his mentorship it was very rare to see those levels but we've had a lot of 300m plus dow days lately)