Ok oldarmy1! I bought some calls on TCK.
What do you think about PAAS? I bought some stock the other day but it plummeted. Is this a long term hold?
I sold my PAAS last week. The stock has had a heck of a run. But any hint of a coming rate hike is death to the gold and silver miners.
As you probably know, PAAS has an extrodinarily rich and new silver mine in Argintina they abandoned when Kirchner came to power. Now that she is out they will restart the project and it will double their silver production. I will buy PAAS back if the economy tanks, PAAS tanks with it, and the Fed stops threatening to raise interest rates and instead restarts QE talk. If Hillary wins and increases taxes and regulation like she has campaigned on I bet she kills Obama's life support "recovery". At that point PAAS should be dirt cheap. Oldarmy1 should be able to help us with the best technical entry price.