In general, people are really reactionary. Friday was the precipice or Armageddon and today is like a new bull market. Relax. We did not risk off and on in the matter of 2-3 days. Smart money positioned for a market correction pre BRExit, and my opinion is that the market was overextended anyways and would have corrected regardless of the vote outcome. VIX spiked heavily before any corresponding move in the market. Then when the market moved, VIX plummeted alongside. Now, you get a rally, which was expected (although not this ferocious). You have massive short interest out there, and the market is way overextended. I think the S&P never fell off by more than 4 points today during that surge. Last I hacked RSI was at 90 on the hourly and that is historic levels high, while off from pre-BRExit levels by a substantial margin still. It is unusual. Then you have FTSE higher than pre BRExit levels, in the face of UK losing their credit rating. The bottom isn't in.