I can't stand how slow people drive here. So slow. But that would be fine if ANYONE here understood slower traffic keep right. I am convinced they don't even teach driving here. Also, the constant changing lanes needlessly drives me insane, or when they immediately try to merge when they have 2 miles of highway to use. I have been considering slowly bringing "slower traffic keep right" signs from Texas over here. Maybe 1 or 2 at first along my work routes on 25 and 225...I'm sure the cities won't even notice, they don't notice ALL THE TRASH on the ground!!!! Ok I am just going on a rant here. I live in Aurora. There are probably 2,000 bus stops, I don't know if any of them have trash cans. That is INSANE! So that is one thing I'm going to bring to the city at some point. I feel we could probably partner with a trash service or 2 that can have some sponsorship on the cans or something. Chain some big ass metal cans to the benches, otherwise people will steal them. Anyway, I don't have any political anything but I'm going to have to figure it out. This is my city now and my neighborhood.
There's no better slogan than "Don't Mess with Texas" I wish Colorado had something like that. But honestly nothing is better than DMWT. Maybe we can just steal it. I was thinking I could just take a Don't Mess with Texas sign and add "Aurora, Colorado" at the bottom.