Worthless at bats in the 5th. Once again, our lineup of death makes a guy who is barely staying in the league look like a cy young candidate.
bmac_aggie18 said:
Lord help us, Will Smith is warming up
aggietony2010 said:
Bochy needs to retire tonight.
94chem said:
For starters, anyone with a pulse can see that Will Smith is completely and utterly incapable of throwing a ball over the middle of the plate and not getting it punished. His only chance is to paint the corners, and hope they chase something. I don't know how a big league manager can miss this. He is a 3-2 count looking for a place to happen, and that's when he's ON. When he's off, it's just wait for something over the plate and pound it. Any big league hitter has to be salivating at the thought of facing him.
AggieRob93 said:
A good season lost due to relief pitching. That's it.