amercer said:
Wait so different people are allowed to use different bats? WTF?
In the case with Pujols' bats it seems to be
more of a safety issue than a competitive one. Maple bats saw a huge up tick in popularity because of their use by Barry Bonds in the early 2000's. Maple being a rather hard and rigid wood they tend shatter more often than ash or hickory bats. MLB did a study of maple in hopes of reducing the flying kindling due to the influx of maple bats. They came up with various weight and grain requirements that the wood used for hickory bats had to meet when the rule went into effect, Since this is seen a safety rule rather than a competitive one bats made for players already playing did not have to meet these requirements. In other words the rule was grandfathered in like the use of batting helmets, batting helmets with ear flaps, etc.
One thing that should be kept in mind, bat makers tend to set aside what they consider to be higher quality wood for the bats of stars. Both Pujols and Maldy used the same model for their bats. Maldy was a teammate of Albert and since he was retiring he asked him if he had a few extra in which he did not mind parting with since they used same bat type. Maldy was definitely looking for a higher quality bat but I'm also certain he was not looking for a loop hole in which to use an "illegal" bat.