Y'all are missing the point here. It's not about whether these people getting offended are overreacting or not. It's about the fact that Osuna is a garbage human being with a terrible history, and it was a questionable acquisition by us in the first place. Then, we've got some drunk bozo from management going on and on about the dude in a room with female reporters who are obviously gonna take this as directed towards them, whether he meant it or not. He's an absolute idiot for even putting us in this situation. It's embarassing for the org if the public is perceives this as support for Osuna's wife beating ways, and that perception wouldn't exist if this guy had kept his mouth shut. /rant.maca1028 said:
Juan Soto can shuffle out of the box and and grab his nut sack on national tv but our assistant GM cannot loudly praise Osuna in the locker room. Deal with it!
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