If you look at the landscape of female youth soccer, it is going to become much harder to build A&M back to where they were in the 2000-2015 era. Even with DFW being one of the two (southern California the other) hotbeds for girls soccer, we have struggled recruiting the area. TCU is on the rise and have made a commitment to fully fund their women's soccer program and SMU is now in the ACC and gives the top players a chance to play in that league without having to leave Texas. Overall, the SEC is seen as a league who puts recruiting athletes over soccer players and the play follows suit. The top players in the DFW area aren't really considering any Texas schools and, when they do, it will begin to transition to TCU and SMU over A&M or Texas (the Missimo years were an anomaly because of Ange's connection with Derek from their UNC playing days - Derek sent most of his Solar team to Texas). If we can't find a way to penetrate the DFW market (6 of the 23 U17 USYNT players from the World Cup were from DFW), we will continue to struggle. Texas Tech went in and got Sam Courtwright from DKSC and she's on the U20s - the other U20 from Texas was committed to UNC prior to going pro. The talent pool in DFW is very deep but we seem to struggle to recruit those girls.