We're nearing the end here. Might be hard to move up, but plenty of action to move down.
Let's see who took the big dive this week!
Redd and Maggie are our big losers! Redd lost about $10,000 more, but Maggie lost nearly 60% of his holdings, putting him in the dawg house.
Everyone likes to see the big and powerful come falling down. That's why the 24 hour cable news channels survive. Maggie, the once leader of the Rule #1 thread is now behind gigemnick, he hasn't bet in 3 weeks after he lost all his money.
Redd, he's about to win the Soccer Pickem; humbling him is important.
CDub is shooting to the top, breaking the top 20. Everyone is clearly pulling for him to either to lose all his money or be caught in an email scandal.
The rest of the field, well, mid90 and Smith haven't bet in weeks and continue to dominate on Sandy who thinks that t.u. is a good thing to bet on. What a 2%er! Nick is collecting his paycheck for passing Go and is moving up the leaders board. Given that these three cats are outperforming Sandy on a weekly basis, they are clearly risin' pups. GigEmNick wins on increasing his holdings by 50%. JeffK, I keep doggin him on here, but he still likes me on Twitter.
CDub06 $523202
Redd38 $198446
#772 Smith&Co $122727
#992 Mid90 $103087
#1234 Pro Sandy $ 60323
#1356 GigEmNick $30000
#1371 mAgnoliAg $28160
#1478 JeffK $0
Top Dawg: cdub
Rising Pups: GigEmNick
In the dawghouse: maggie