AgSnacks16 said:
If don't develop players, tt doesn't matter whether its a 5* or a 3*
Because the 5 star guy is starting out ahead of the 3 star guy already. You can't develop size and natural ability. You can develop weight, technique and possibly speed, which is also, coindidentally, where the 5 star guys are ahead of th 3 star guys for the most part.
This is such a dumb argument and it is appalling that people are actually trying to argue that 3 star guys are overall better than 5 star guys. Its simply not true.
It isn't a perfect system and nobody is claming it is, but the facts of the matter are that a team with 5 star and 4 star guys is going to be better than a team of 3 star and some 4 star guys, even if those 3 star guys are playing at the absolute top of their game. That's kind of why Alabama, Clemson and Georgia have absolutely dominated college football for the last 15 freaking years.