Texas A&M Football
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46,919 Views | 315 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Jarrin' Jay
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LihaiAg06 said:

Peace out, I'll leave y'all to it. From a lurker's perspective (mostly), there is a lot of group think on here. Sorry you all can't handle opposing views. That man coughing on them can actually be considered a crime.
You are a freaking idiot.
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Ulrich said:

I'm a little confused by the people who act outraged because the pro-Sully people went "out of their way" to be there. Uh, yeah, they are there to protest. Both sides are going out of their way to get to a public place to signal their beliefs. It's not like Mond and his crew just happened to be on their way from the training complex to the academic building and felt threatened by a handful of old men standing in a plaza.

Is the argument that only one side gets to speak?

The leftists have made it pretty clear that it no longer makes sense to compromise. Sully is actually a great case study; he did a lot of documented good along with the undocumented claims of evil and the actions he took that are bad according to 2020 standards but virtuous in 1860s Texas. If the left can't give on Sully or even admit that compromise is a possibility, they won't compromise period. That makes Sully as good a place to stand and fight (metaphorically only because I don't generally believe in political violence).

I'm not a big donor, but this incident saves me somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 dollars and 50-60 prime weekend hours next season.
I forgot about this.

This was not broadcast as a "Sully protest". It was a march for racial justice. There was not a single mention of Sully until Mond let it slip in a retweet. So these older gentleman might have been there to get a group photo and all of these people rush in and get in their faces.

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I'm trying very hard to just stick to footballl related posts- but I don't understand why some of y'all have to just make stuff up. The Dallas guy literally said "I drove down from Dallas for this". How does it further your cause to make crap up the situation?

I thought what was shown in the videos was both encouraging and discouraging. Encouraging in that it was almost entirely peaceful (some of you seem to think angry and aggressive speech makes it not peaceful, I don't know where you learned that- you have to just whisper?)- and discouraging because the scene with the shirtless kid and the track kid was terrible.

I also appreciated Ausbon's (sp?) attempts at level-headedness.

On the other hand- why anyone thinks they need to counter - protest is beyond me (especially since a lot of people
on these threads are implying these guys are big money doners that could speak with their wallets..,)

In any case - if your side is righteous, you should be able to defend it with pure facts. Not rumors, conjectures, or flat out lies. No matter what the other side is doing.
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spherical said:

On the other hand- why anyone thinks they need to counter - protest is beyond me (especially since a lot of people
on these threads are implying these guys are big money doners that could speak with their wallets..,)
So only one side can express an opinion?

Those of us who don't want Taliban practices (e.g., destroying history) to come to A&M don't have the right to speak our minds, support our stance?
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I didn't say that, I just meant it seems unnecessary - but that's just my opinion. Also imo - neither protest (the literal in person marching) is what's going to sway any up high decision.
Gramercy Riffs
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LihaiAg06 said:

Can we all agree that killing people based on skin color is bad?

Yes, we can. That's not the problem. The problem is that you and many others think Sully killed people based on skin color rather than uniform color. It wasn't black versus white, it was North vs South. You realize white people were killed too, right? It's called war. Are we to believe Sully instructed soldiers to kill only those members of the enemy who were black? Why is this such a difficult concept to understand?
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spherical said:

I didn't say that, I just meant it seems unnecessary - but that's just my opinion. Also imo - neither protest (the literal in person marching) is what's going to sway any up high decision.

So you have been outspoken about damaging a statue? Please provide link?
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Mond wants "Inclusion and Acceptance" (which A&M has had for a long time now already).. aside from that, what does Mond even know about Inclusion and Acceptance? He went to the prestigious IMG Academy, he was at a very well off school when he was in SA before that. The comical part is he keeps talking about all the "ignorance around him"... can't even begin to take this guy serious.
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Yes we can all agree that killing someone based off their skin color is bad... however, we often times make way to many "assumptions".. the cop that killed Floyd. We can all see for fact that was some type of murder (manslaughter, murder, something).. however, it's 100% assumption it was racist. The cop had been written up many times for being a bad cop (many times against whites). Maybe he was just a bad cop, ever think of that??.. Prove to me he killed Floyd because he was black, you can't.. there is nothing in his bad cop past that proves it.
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FCBlitz said:

spherical said:

I didn't say that, I just meant it seems unnecessary - but that's just my opinion. Also imo - neither protest (the literal in person marching) is what's going to sway any up high decision.

So you have been outspoken about damaging a statue? Please provide link?

Not even a little bit- How on earth did I give you that impression?

But while on that subject... and this is an honest question cause maybe I missed a report- has their been further vandalism since the "lone gunman" (per campus police) from before the first protest?
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spherical said:

I didn't say that, I just meant it seems unnecessary - but that's just my opinion. Also imo - neither protest (the literal in person marching) is what's going to sway any up high decision.

One side has chosen to play this out in the court of public opinion. You seem to be saying that the other side should quietly accept being called racists in public and try to work a backroom deal to get what they want. Let's say they do that, and they are somehow successful. That puts the administration in a really awkward place of appearing to ignore the protesters for no reason, or worse, for money.

The anti-Sully protesters decided that rational discourse was not the way to go. They decided on public demonstrations and vandalism. Only one incident here so far, but it has to be seen in the context of what is going on around the country. The only way to counter that is in public. This was their choice.

A handful of old men standing in a circle is not the problem, not after weeks of violence and hysteria across the country.
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I didn't say or imply any of that. I said and implied that I thought the in person counter protesting was a waste of time - especially if as many have said these guys represent the big money doners.

I didn't say they were the problem- I did imply driving down from Dallas to protect a statue was kinda silly imo
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Then I think you misunderstand the value of public speech. Letting one side have all the air time is a bad strategy.

There's a very good chance that they kept the statue from getting vandalized again. I'm not sure it's "silly" to stand up for something just because you live a couple of hours away.
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TChaney said:

Ulrich said:

I'm a little confused by the people who act outraged because the pro-Sully people went "out of their way" to be there. Uh, yeah, they are there to protest. Both sides are going out of their way to get to a public place to signal their beliefs. It's not like Mond and his crew just happened to be on their way from the training complex to the academic building and felt threatened by a handful of old men standing in a plaza.

Is the argument that only one side gets to speak?

The leftists have made it pretty clear that it no longer makes sense to compromise. Sully is actually a great case study; he did a lot of documented good along with the undocumented claims of evil and the actions he took that are bad according to 2020 standards but virtuous in 1860s Texas. If the left can't give on Sully or even admit that compromise is a possibility, they won't compromise period. That makes Sully as good a place to stand and fight (metaphorically only because I don't generally believe in political violence).

I'm not a big donor, but this incident saves me somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 dollars and 50-60 prime weekend hours next season.
I forgot about this.

This was not broadcast as a "Sully protest". It was a march for racial justice. There was not a single mention of Sully until Mond let it slip in a retweet. So these older gentleman might have been there to get a group photo and all of these people rush in and get in their faces.

Interesting that the fist symbol that says, "power to the people" looks exactly like the black panthers symbol. Coincidence? I think not. Mond is a racist.

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Ulrich said:

Then I think you misunderstand the value of public speech. Letting one side have all the air time is a bad strategy.

There's a very good chance that they kept the statue from getting vandalized again. I'm not sure it's "silly" to stand up for something just because you live a couple of hours away.

That's fair- but I do disagree with the "fair chance" statement. I didn't see any spray paint or other vandalism paraphernalia on anyone. Unless I'm wrong the only incident so far was a lone guy who may or may not have had any ties to the current protestors.
Jugstore Cowboy
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samhoustonag said:

Mond can't make a name for himself as a QB, so he is trying to invent a legacy as a SJW. And perhaps hoping this will keep Jimbo from benching him this season.

Bingo. Social Media "celebrity" status is the only fallback plan a lot of these idiots can think of, and a little social justice drama is the quickest way to kickstart that. These guys will never make any Sports center highlights, so they're finding other ways to get attention.

And for the losers who were already thinking about transferring, this is a way to try to get a waiver.
Gil Renard
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Leave it to Brent Z he's all over it
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bulverdeaggie93 said:

Mond wants "Inclusion and Acceptance" (which A&M has had for a long time now already).. aside from that, what does Mond even know about Inclusion and Acceptance? He went to the prestigious IMG Academy, he was at a very well off school when he was in SA before that. The comical part is he keeps talking about all the "ignorance around him"... can't even begin to take this guy serious.
Yep. Ignorant kid with no real life experience thinks he know real oppression.

And our admin bowing down to this extortion.
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spherical said:

I didn't say that, I just meant it seems unnecessary - but that's just my opinion. Also imo - neither protest (the literal in person marching) is what's going to sway any up high decision.
You are entitled to your opinion.
Double Diamond
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This movement is not what is being told. You guys need to stick up for your campus. I did not attend Texas A&M. However, I really like that university.
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Hey thanks
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The coach or AD would not even get a chance to decide my fate if I had done anything like this in my college life. My parents would jerk me out of said school so fast, no time for whining. But that is also the difference in ''everybody gets a trophy", and working for one to be a top performer'. And just to be clear, I am 6-8 years older than these 4 old white gentlemen, and I do not yet consider myself in those terms. Such disrespect is allowed to stand and the consequences of condoning that behavior will surely show up, hopefully.
These uneducated players need to own their behaviors.
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Double Diamond said:

I support equality. However, this madness of trying to fight everyone over things that won't do a thing to help equality.

Watch the language very carefully
Equality has been replaced with equity

An Interview with Head of Dallas Fed Kaplan in today's Houston Chronicle Had Kaplan using equity several times

So does that mean that Kaplan will resign (or any other of the white members of the Fed ) in a display of white guilt to atone for the sins of their white privilege so a black can be back-filled ?

How about #metoo decadent Hollywood ? Where are all their black Higher management?

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LihaiAg06 said:

I really wish TexAgs would shut all of YOU clowns down. Mond there intimidating the old Ags there? Seriously?! All they did was listen and talk. The old Ags were the ones at a loss of words when being talked to respectfully and with reason. Only thing I heard from the old Ags was Sully has been there a long time. Great reason. They didn't even want to talk to them it seemed...they were just there to make sure nobody vandalized it I guess?

Yes because the gutless wonders who run our school won't assign security around Sully. Once torn down and beheaded do you think the admin will take the effort to repair Sully then ?
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Spurswin5 said:

LihaiAg06 said:

I really wish TexAgs would shut all of YOU clowns down. Mond there intimidating the old Ags there? Seriously?! All they did was listen and talk. The old Ags were the ones at a loss of words when being talked to respectfully and with reason. Only thing I heard from the old Ags was Sully has been there a long time. Great reason. They didn't even want to talk to them it seemed...they were just there to make sure nobody vandalized it I guess?

Yes because the gutless wonders who run our school won't assign security around Sully. Once torn down and beheaded do you think the admin will take the effort to repair Sully then ?
Sadly, if damage happens I would not be surprised if the administration would use that as an excuse to remove Sully for repairs and then Sully would never quite seem to make it back.
Double Diamond
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I hear you.
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Problem is, Mond is talking plenty, but he's not listening at all.
The narrative isn't allowing for any two way streets of meaningful dialogue to resolve anything.

What's worse is I think he's now backed himself into a corner.
This started, got national attention, which I'm betting got him a ton of BLM activists in his ear pushing him even harder....to a point where even if he DID pause and listen to reason, there's no way in hell he could alter his stance for fear of backlash from the BLM agenda and being criticized as an Uncle Tom.
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TxAg76 said:

Problem is, Mond is talking plenty, but he's not listening at all.
The narrative isn't allowing for any two way streets of meaningful dialogue to resolve anything.

Now, it's turned into me wondering where he knows his NFL prospects are not great and so he's hedging his bets that if the season (if the ball ever does get snapped) does not go as he planned, he can claim racism and prejudice for taking a stand on a statue 99% of people outside of TAMU are unfamiliar with.

The way Mond gets many on this board to shut up about his opinion, is play exceptional football. Who knows, he could be the next Tom Brady and just needs this season to show us that.
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Oh please! Mond, the student body, the professors, and the administration are the school! I've never been prouder to call myself an Aggie.

The people defending the statue don't understand Texas A&M University and shouldn't be there. If you can't support Texas A&M, just stop posting on this thread and stop showing up to the games and stop donating. Just go do something else with your lives.
Double Diamond
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No this is the plan. It's a one way rant and nobody is allowed to speak or question or ask questions. Asking questions is racist.
Jarrin' Jay
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khat79 said:

Oh please! Mond, the student body, the professors, and the administration are the school! I've never been prouder to call myself an Aggie.

The people defending the statue don't understand Texas A&M University and shouldn't be there. If you can't support Texas A&M, just stop posting on this thread and stop showing up to the games and stop donating. Just go do something else with your lives.

You are delusional and clueless, but seemingly quite happy in your play-pen.

One day you will be in the grown up world and can think for yourself and give meaningful input.
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Jarrin' Jay said:

khat79 said:

Oh please! Mond, the student body, the professors, and the administration are the school! I've never been prouder to call myself an Aggie.

The people defending the statue don't understand Texas A&M University and shouldn't be there. If you can't support Texas A&M, just stop posting on this thread and stop showing up to the games and stop donating. Just go do something else with your lives.

You are delusional and clueless, but seemingly quite happy in your play-pen.

One day you will be in the grown up world and can think for yourself and give meaningful input.
lol very insulting, but not well reasoned. In fact, no reasons or rebuttal given at all!

Are you sure I'm not thinking for myself here? I feel like I'm very much going against the grain here. There like a 10:1 ratio of irrational Mond dissenters:Mond supporters
Thomas Sowell, PhD
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Sully defended and supported A&M more than perhaps anyone so I guess according to your logic he stays.
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Thomas Sowell, PhD said:

Sully defended and supported A&M more than perhaps anyone so I guess according to your logic he stays.
I don't think Sully defends or represents Texas A&M, just as I don't feel Spanish conquistadors defend or represent the state of Texas....

If you cannot support Texas A&M, its students, professors, athletes, and administration as they take down the statue of Sully, the rest of us understand. If you don't feel you want to donate anymore, we understand. If you don't want to show up to the games anymore, we understand. If you are not an Aggie anymore, we completely get it. I would respectfully ask you to stop doing all this and move on with your lives. Please do not show up to our beautiful campus to defend a statue for a school you attended 1-4 decades ago.
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I'll do what I want, when I want. You aren't the Universities Moral Compass .
I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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