I've shared several beers with Arnie through the years
This doesn't make someone good or bad.
Those of you who don't know him need to stop.
Does he know Jimbo and Dodson? No? He needs to stop.
Quit being so sensitive to criticism and consider it to be a check on questionable behavior
Questionable by whom? How about those involved? Both parties have no qualms, and Dodson even expressed gratitude.
If it never manifests into anything other than a facemask grab, good on everyone.
If Dodson (or anyone) gets into another scuff I hope it is another facemask grab and a possible smack on the helmet. The dude is a leader - needs to act like one and grow up.
There are a lot of Aggies wearing their rings today because of his service to the university.
Name 1 that has a ring because of his service and not that athlete's performance
This prof needs to STFU with his over psycho-analytical BS. Stick to academics - sports is whole other world.