Merry Christmas to you and your family.
It's been a rough week.
Last Friday we found out our 2 month old daughter has a massive (softballish sized) cancerous tumor attached to her left kidney.
They are going to try and remove it and the kidney it's attached to Christmas Eve morning. The tumor is about 1/5th her body mass.
Faith-filled prayers are much appreciated.
Rule #1:![]()
Aggie Football related because she is going to be a better FG kicker than Sanjay and play for the good guys in 18 years.
Edit: Her name is Adalyn and the surgery will be at Scottish Rite in Atlanta. Thanks again
is it Wilms?
They won't know until the pathology report post-op. It is encapsulated and they don't want to rupture it with a biopsy. The radiologist and oncologists both list Wilms in the top two most likely.
Many prayers with you and your family!
Please let us know the results and if we can contribute with $, blood donations, etc.
That's incredibly generous of you. Our church took up a love offering for us so we wouldn't worry
about finances during this time.
I'll update tomorrow. Surgery starts at 7am.
Thanks again for all the prayers, the surgeon is optimistic.
12/24/2013 10:57AM
Still in surgery. Hardest moment in my life was handing her to the nurse to take away. Latest update from the OR said everything was
going well.
12/24/2013 11:41AM
Surgeon just updated us. Said the operation went great and the tumor remained encapsulated. Managed to save the adrenal gland too.
Praise God!
Now we just want a good pathology report saying no Chemo is needed and a quick
Thanks again!
12/24/2013 1:12PM
They let us see her for a second in the hallway on the way to her ICU room. She looks really good. Breathing tube removed.
Merry Christmas everyone!
The Pathologist is 99% sure it is a Wilms tumor Stage 1.Which sucks, but it is probably one of the best cancers found in a newborn
because it is very treatable at this stage. Radiation is probably not needed
but the oncologist recommends chemo.
Thanks for your continued prayer!
They took all the tubes and IVs out and are talking about letting us go home
I'll try to upload a picture of the recovering/happy Adalyn in a little while.
Adalyn is beating all odds.
She was disconnected from all monitoring devices, tubes and IVs within 48 hours
after surgery. She was off Tylenol and discharged from the hospital at about 80
hours post-op Friday.
As many posters commented: kids are tough. Especially future Aggies.
All visitors were amazed that TexAgs sent balloons and a teddy bear to Adalyn.
(Though, my 2 year old daughter probably got the most use out of the pink
elephant balloon.)
The chemo Adalyn has to be subjected to is ultra-mild and has almost 100%
survival rate.
She's doing so well that it looks like my wife and I are going to get to use
the CFA bowl tickets we bought before the pediatrician found the tumor. If you
want rule #1 on the wife you should come say "howdy" at seats 1&2
of row 1 section 101.
Thanks again for the encouragement and prayers, and BTHO Duke!
*****Good Bull Update*****
Thanks Texags! We really were not expecting a bunch of balloons and a stuffed animal last night! Merry Christmas! Hopefully this link
works, my phone is difficult to navigate.
UPDATE 1/17/14:
Here's a fairly recent picture of Adalyn with the teddybear TexAgs gave her:![]()
She's had 2 treatments of Chemo so far. 12 more to go. Weshould be done sometime in May.
Thanks again TexAgs!
12/23/2014 One Year Update (just in case anyone who prayed is curious)
Adalyn finished treatment on schedule this past summer. All scans since have been good and clear. She is perfectly healthy (minus a kidney). Everything really has been "best case scenario" since the pediatrician found the tumor. Here are some one year pics of her:![]()
quote:Thanks Jacob. Yeah, that's the chemo Adalyn had too... ultra mild stuff. The antibiotics had worse side effects than the chemo. Though her hair is a lot shorter than most one year olds.
I wish I had seen this last year. I could have given you some advice. My son was diagnosed with Wilm's when he was 27 months old. He's 13 now!
He had to go through 18 weeks of chemo: Vincristine and Dactinomycin. He had a nodule on his adrenal gland.
If you ever have any questions or want to compare notes, my email
May all of your 'sc-anxieties' be for naught!
These freakin' ninjas slicing onions everywhere. God bless you and your family, it had to have been a tough year but it warms my heart knowing that you all will finally be sleeping easier. Always know that your angel will forever be supported and prayed for. Merry Christmas.