Here is how I remember it:
That video is the END of the incident proven by the fact the COPS come running in at the end of the clip, the SMU cheerleader is already on the ground, and the CT's hat is off already.
Here is the definitive version:
1. SMU cheerleaders are on the field doing their thing
2. CT runs out, saber sheathed, and start jawing with one of the SMU guys.
3. While engaged with one cheerleader (yelling face to face), a sneaky little SMU cheerleader creeped behind the CT on all fours right behind him. The crowd saw this and KNEW what was going to happen. It looked like a three stooges skit!
4. CT is pushed lightly back and rolls over the guy on all fours.
5. CT gets us quickly and draws saber, sneaky cheerleader is still on the ground getting up from being on all fours. Cheerleader is now on his knees getting up. THIS IS WHEN THAT CLIP BEGINS!
6. CT kicks sneaky bastidge in the gut points saber at the guy, and the hilarity ensues.
7. A security officer in yellow along with his buddies break the fight up.
THE BEST College Football Power Rankings..[This message has been edited by DanTanna86 (edited 9/21/2013 1:38p).]