Pictures from the construction cams of the completed video board, with the letters on top (I included the most recent one that was in the day light as well)
You took the side of a troll who blathers on a message board about something he knows nothing about attempting to get a rise from the zoo. Well, he got it. You seem to have problems with several of us.
Did they power wash the 3rd deck? I've been looking at it daily, but just today noticed a big difference in color. Looks better.
If you look on that 3d viewer of Kyle, on that second deck in that area is where they're going to put those 12 seats. Maybe that has something to do with it.
So your telling me the structural engineer came up with a unique factor for sawing and a safety factor. . . Then said engineer told the steel fabricator to run their calcs and seal the drawings and calcs of what will actually be built, Really? Same steel fabricator that engineered Reed Arena erection but not the equine center.
Heard the top deck at Kyle Field was surveyed deflecting 36" during sawing.
I trust steel more than conc. regarding deflection, However if the calcs were available we could try to determine how fun the ride will be on those spindly colyums.
Glad they are rushing the speedy construction so we do not miss any games in Kyle Field.
It takes but a second to put a lower case L before .jpg to reduce the image size--