Nothing wrong with trimming the fat
If I am not mistaken, these players are Aggies. I am not for running anyone off. And, we really don't have that many "upper classmen". Coach 'em up, and recruit new players. If Sherman runs off Aggies, and proves ultimately to be the problem hisself, he should ride out tied under the bus. Good luck coach.
I'm pretty sure Sherman is not going to "run off" any player who is proud to be an Aggie and is putting forth effort and displaying a good attitude. Also it's not like he's running anybody off right away, if this was happening last offseason I could understand your argument but he's given these players a full year to buy in and give effort and if they have not displayed that yet then it is in the best interest of BOTH parties to part ways
New coaches job is to get the kids on board. Look at Stoops, Saben, Urban Meyer. Did those coachs go around telling the upperclassmen to take a hike when they came to there respective schools?
How on Earth are you going to compare the situation to A&M, personnel and otherwise, to the situation at those schools. And as stated, I'm pretty sure those coaches cut some fat as well.
Why would top recruits want to go to a school where the coach is running off players? Does the top Engineering talent go looking for the companies that are laying off because they are getting rid of the dead wood? No, they do not.
Don't think this is a good comparison.
Every company (and every school)gets rid of "deadwood." If you are not deadwood your not getting let go. Maybe the greatest CEO in American history Jack Leach (General Electric) was, and is, a huge proponent of letting go the bottom 10% of your workforce consistently. Also consider that recruits look at depth charts when considering schools. Trimming the chart a little bit and freeing up scholarships to young guys gives them the opportunity to play early, and early playing time is one pitch we have to use on the recruiting trail cause we're running out of others.
Guys, it's not like Sherman is running off like half the depth chart. The OP hinted at like 5 or 6 guys. Sherman has to change the losing attitude around here and after ANY coaching change you are going to have some guys just content to go through the motions and suck off the sholarship teet while they are here.