XpressAg09 said:
Curious to hear your thoughts on the Peloton Guide. Seems like they pushed a lot of money and time into this camera that watches you workout and I'm not un-convinced it'll flop. Just seems like, to Diggity's point a few above this, their management is not great at making decisions about how to run a company as a whole.
It seems like a piece of equipment that is targeted to people that don't know how to workout. Meaning, they don't know how to do a side lunge correctly, or a row or bicep curl. I'm guessing the company sees that swath of the population as a potential un-tapped market. However, I'd argue that the number of people in that market that are likely to go dump that kind of coin on a device like the Guide is smaller than they think.
On a semi-related note, as I stated above, we placed our order for the Tread this past weekend. They had a promotion for $250 worth of accessories. They have dumbbells that go up to I think 50 or 60 lbs. However, you can't buy those unless you buy the Guide. So ignore our credit, if I wanted to buy something larger than a 30 lb. set of dumbbells to use on the bootcamp or strength classes, they won't sell them to me unless I buy the Guide. How stupid is that? They're likely the most marked-up thing in their inventory and they are putting artificial roadblocks in the way of their customers that want to buy them.
The company just seems ripe to be bought-out by an Amazon or Apple (I know, Android and all that) or someone similar that doesn't have **** for brains and will actually develop the features and items their customers want. Hell, it took years to implement a simple pause button simply because the company wanted to dictate to their customers what they wanted instead of listening.