AgLiving06 said:
Two questions for yall:
1. My output has improved since I took my last FTP test at the beginning of August. I'm now consistently riding at the top of my zones for most rides. With the program I'm doing, I'm weeks away from testing. Does anybody just manually raise their FTP or just ride as is and adjust after the next test?
2. Had my physical yesterday and I've lost weight (5-8 lbs). I updated my profile to reflect it, but I'm wondering what to expect from my output numbers. In theory, shouldn't weighing less + same resistance/cadence = higher output?
There is no set timeframe in regards to FTP testing. If you are riding at the top of your zones, you need to retest. Just adjusting it manually is ill advised because there is a component of mental toughness that is also pushed during testing.
In regards to your second question, power is what it is. The metric you are looking for is power to weight ratio, and in reality the only metric that really matters. It is a true metric that can be compared amongst your piers. In theory your weight can go down, your FTP can go down, yet your Power/Weight increases.
For example, my p/w is 3.26. My current goal is to get somewhere above 4.0. That is a pretty tall order. I would say Wilpers is probably around 4.0-4.5 and a professional cyclist is somewhere north of 5.0-5.5 (perhaps higher).