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Tine Coronavirus thread

2,580,020 Views | 20959 Replies | Last: 7 mo ago by Ciboag96
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third coast.. said:

You said "People take them off, but I've been working with a personal trainer and she wears one, so I wear mine, too."

I understand there is a sign up, likely to get all of the nutbags to shut the hell up, but any place you can get away without wearing a mask you should, sign or not. If someone asks you you should tell them you have already had it AND have the vaccine in a polite manner, because you would then be the only rational person in that conversation. If they say it doesn't matter, then go ahead and put it on if you feel so inclined. Personally, I will not give my patronage to any place that requires me to wear a mask.

The only way to get this ridiculousness to go away is to force it to go away.

Who am I kidding on that last line though, we are probably too far gone for anyone to suddenly have a fit of common sense and realize the entire charade is absolutely pointless.

So, that specific example about my trainer is at the Y. ALL of the employees there wear masks. She also has a bunch of other things she has to do during our session that are part of her employment.

I'm being respectful of her because I, too, have to wear a mask at work. Doesn't matter who is vaccinated. If I leave my office, the mask must go on. So. I know what it's like to be dealing with an employer who won't relax the mask requirement.

I like my trainer and I don't want to get her in trouble.

To me, going in somewhere that requires a mask without one, only to be told that they are required and put one on is just silly and doesn't accomplish anything.
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To me, going in somewhere that requires a mask without one, only to be told that they are required and put one on is just silly and doesn't accomplish anything.

I hear you, but I disagree with you last point. I think going in without a mask does accomplish something. I believe that businesses still requiring that customers wear masks are doing so not for health reasons, but because they believe a majority of their customers want masks to be required. The more the folks in charge see or hear that more and more folks are ignoring those orders, the more comfortable they will feel that removing their mask requirement will not hurt their businesses.

In addition, I believe people are sheep and wear masks because they've heard they should, because they see everyone else wearing masks, and because they don't want to be outliers and feel guilty. My reason for not wearing a mask is so that others can see that they're not alone and can unmask too.
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TXTransplant said:

To me, going in somewhere that requires a mask without one, only to be told that they are required and put one on is just silly and doesn't accomplish anything.
I disagree. If they are just relying on a sign that has been up since last July to require me to wear a mask, they aren't committed. If they really want me to wear one, they need to be willing to verbally tell me to wear one. If they aren't willing to do that, they don't really require masks.
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That's a fair point, I've just been looking at it from the complete opposite perspective.

I feel like if I try to go into a store without a mask but put one on as soon as someone asks me to, then I'm sending the message that masks aren't a big deal.

If I wear one to begin with, that's me following the rules to avoid confrontation. But, I choose to do this only in very specific situations. Otherwise, I just avoid the store or business altogether.

For example, I mentioned that Market Street has a site/facility policy that masks must be worn inside of all stores. This trumps any policy the individual store might have.

I've had to go there a couple of times to make some returns. Normally, if I go all the way there, I will at least stop in some of the other stores that I like just to window shop. More often than not, I end up making an impulse purchase.

With the mask requirement, I don't do that anymore. I get in and out of the store where I need to go as quickly as possible. I don't linger and typically don't visit any other stores just to window shop.

I may be the only person on the planet doing this, though, and I doubt my effort is making any impact whatsoever because I made an exception for this the other day. I went in one of the "other" stores to see if they had something I saw online so that I could try it on. This was a high-end store, too - a popular name brand that sells $500+ handbags and $200 flip flops.

The store was packed. Literally people were elbow to elbow, bumping into each other - but with their masks on! Which just makes this farce all the more ridiculous.

So, that experience sort of reinforced my opinion that businesses think we are "willing" to wear masks because we so badly want to buy the crap that they sell, and they have no incentive to remove the requirement.

Of course, for every one of me refusing to spend my money there, there are literally dozens of others who will gladly take my place. The stores aren't even noticing.
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Right. I think my ability to influence other people by not wearing a mask can have a greater impact than my dollars will make to stores. That's not because I have some high opinion of myself. It's because I know even when I'm maskless in HEB, it makes me feel better about it when I see someone else is too. My hope is that others are encouraged to unmask, which will encourage others to unmask, and on and on. It sounds like we both want stores to drop the masking policies, but we're taking different approaches.
Mr. Lahey
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You're not going to get kicked out of anywhere for not wearing a mask. If that's holding you back, don't worry about it. Or keep wearing it. Your choice.
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BQRyno said:

Right. I think my ability to influence other people by not wearing a mask can have a greater impact than my dollars will make to stores. That's not because I have some high opinion of myself. It's because I know even when I'm maskless in HEB, it makes me feel better about it when I see someone else is too. My hope is that others are encouraged to unmask, which will encourage others to unmask, and on and on. It sounds like we both want stores to drop the masking policies, but we're taking different approaches.

I did stop wearing a mask at HEB, back when I got my first shot. I go there all the time - like several times a week. I know that the employees aren't going to hassle me, and the store is big enough that people can socially distance. I figure if other shoppers don't like the fact that I'm not wearing a mask, they can just keep their distance. If I went to Target, Lowe's, or Wal-Mart, I wouldn't wear one there, either, but I haven't been to any of those stores in months (just haven't needed to go).

It's the smaller stores where I haven't tested it. Like I said I'm typically only going to these other stores because I have a specific reason to be there, and I just want to get in and out as quickly as possible.
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third coast.. said:

Bit social distancing and masks don't work. People need to stop coddling everyone with useless measures.

I was a fan of social distancing BEFORE this pandemic. So, if people want to stay away from me because I don't have a mask on, I'm all for it ( and Covid has nothing to do with it).

Unfortunately, I think a lot of people now think the mask gives them license to get even closer to people than before.

And I actually have been known to call out people if I feel like they are too close to me.
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TXTransplant said:

third coast.. said:

Bit social distancing and masks don't work. People need to stop coddling everyone with useless measures.

I was a fan of social distancing BEFORE this pandemic. So, if people want to stay away from me because I don't have a mask on, I'm all for it ( and Covid has nothing to do with it).

Unfortunately, I think a lot of people now think the mask gives them license to get even closer to people than before.

And I actually have been known to call out people if I feel like they are too close to me.
This, I think while many people think the mask mandates are helping public health, they're actually discouraging some of the tactics that do work (social distancing)
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People are putting an awful lot of faith in a loose-fitting, incorrectly-worn piece of fabric.
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Video isn't too clear but it sure looked like our favorite County Judge mindlessly walking through a parking lot right through wet paint. The mask does look too small for her, though.

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TXTransplant said:

third coast.. said:

And most people are like you, wearing one because other people are. You have had covid AND the vaccine. You should never put a mask on again in your GD life. No offense meant,, but You need to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

I'm not wearing it because other people are, I'm wearing it when a place of business requires it.

I don't want to get kicked out of the places I really want/need to be. My fitness studio is a very small community of people, and I know the owners well. They've been wanting to get rid of the mask requirement but haven't been able to. The only thing that's gets accomplished if I cause a stink there is I don't get to go to my exercise class. Since I didn't have to wear a mask during class, it wasn't worth the fight.
So...why do they not get rid of it? At the very least, put a sign up saying it's recommended and giving the choice to the individual. Are there too many Karens that go there who are unable to take responsibility for themselves and expect others to keep them safe?
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BQRyno said:


To me, going in somewhere that requires a mask without one, only to be told that they are required and put one on is just silly and doesn't accomplish anything.

I hear you, but I disagree with you last point. I think going in without a mask does accomplish something. I believe that businesses still requiring that customers wear masks are doing so not for health reasons, but because they believe a majority of their customers want masks to be required. The more the folks in charge see or hear that more and more folks are ignoring those orders, the more comfortable they will feel that removing their mask requirement will not hurt their businesses.

In addition, I believe people are sheep and wear masks because they've heard they should, because they see everyone else wearing masks, and because they don't want to be outliers and feel guilty. My reason for not wearing a mask is so that others can see that they're not alone and can unmask too.
Exactly. People are scared they'll get into a confrontation if they don't have one, but that's not the case. My wife wore one while it was required by Abbott, but the moment the mandate ended, she stopped wearing one, including into stores that "require" them. She was in Target on Saturday and had a lady walk up to her to ask if anyone has said anything to her about not wearing one. She told her nobody has said anything, but she's gotten dirty looks. The lady decided to take hers off and thanked my wife. It takes people not wearing one to give others courage. More and more will feel comfortable removing theirs.
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If you read my previous post, my fitness studio is a franchise. Like many other businesses, they are bound by corporate policy. This should not be a surprise - there are plenty of businesses that didn't even open back up when the state said they could last May...like the Apple store and, one you should recognize, Banana Republic.
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TXTransplant said:

If you read my previous post, my fitness studio is a franchise. Like many other businesses, they are bound by corporate policy. This should not be a surprise - there are plenty of businesses that didn't even open back up when the state said they could last May...like the Apple store and, one you should recognize, Banana Republic.
I stopped buying Banana Republic shirts and opted to build a home gym, so haven't been giving money to a business that requires me to wear a sanitary face napkin over my face while I'm gasping for air.
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third coast.. said:

That call back though.

I almost always play nice and avoid the snark on these threads, but that one was just too easy.
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aTm2004 said:

TXTransplant said:

If you read my previous post, my fitness studio is a franchise. Like many other businesses, they are bound by corporate policy. This should not be a surprise - there are plenty of businesses that didn't even open back up when the state said they could last May...like the Apple store and, one you should recognize, Banana Republic.
I stopped buying Banana Republic shirts and opted to build a home gym, so haven't been giving money to a business that requires me to wear a sanitary face napkin over my face while I'm gasping for air.

I see you also missed the part where I said my fitness studio only required masks in the waiting area. We have always been able to remove them in the room where we have class.

Of course, there are a few people who insist on wearing the mask during the entire workout. From day 1, I have wondered why these people are even IN class, if they are that worried about catching the virus. Stay home...the workouts are also live-streamed.

Just like it doesn't make sense to believe that vaccines work AND believe that masks are still necessary after vaccination, it doesn't make sense to be so worried about a virus that you feel the need to wear a mask everywhere yet choose to go to a fitness class in a confined space where people are exerting themselves and breathing hard.
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TXTransplant said:

Same at my HEB. I usually try to walk past quickly and without making eye contact. If I hear them offer me a mask, I say "No, thank you" and keep walking. Other stores that still require them, I either wear a mask or just don't go inside.

My fitness studio stopped requiring masks in the lobby yesterday. We were all thrilled and literally put our masks in the trash right then.

Stupid Market Street has a facility-wide policy that all the stores have to adhere to. Last hold-out where I really like to shop is Trader Joe's. I think they are West Coast-based, so it will probably be a while.

I take the opposite tack. If there is somebody there asking, I specifically want them to know that I will not wear a mask, that one is unnecessary, and that it's a stupid, unscientific policy.

As for Market Street, I highly doubt they would do anything if you didn't. Somebody might say something but nobody up there wants to actually confront anybody.
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TarponChaser said:

TXTransplant said:

Same at my HEB. I usually try to walk past quickly and without making eye contact. If I hear them offer me a mask, I say "No, thank you" and keep walking. Other stores that still require them, I either wear a mask or just don't go inside.

My fitness studio stopped requiring masks in the lobby yesterday. We were all thrilled and literally put our masks in the trash right then.

Stupid Market Street has a facility-wide policy that all the stores have to adhere to. Last hold-out where I really like to shop is Trader Joe's. I think they are West Coast-based, so it will probably be a while.

I take the opposite tack. If there is somebody there asking, I specifically want them to know that I will not wear a mask, that one is unnecessary, and that it's a stupid, unscientific policy.

As for Market Street, I highly doubt they would do anything if you didn't. Somebody might say something but nobody up there wants to actually confront anybody.
You sound like a real tough guy giving those hourly employees the business.
Seersucker Ag 2011
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I don't wear a mask at the grocery store or other retail stores. I generally don't wear them elsewhere, but do worry a bit when going to places that make food/drink that some 19 year old Twitter warrior neckbeard/Karen in training will mess with our food if I dare not wear a mask. Is that crazy?
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WES2006AG said:

TarponChaser said:

TXTransplant said:

Same at my HEB. I usually try to walk past quickly and without making eye contact. If I hear them offer me a mask, I say "No, thank you" and keep walking. Other stores that still require them, I either wear a mask or just don't go inside.

My fitness studio stopped requiring masks in the lobby yesterday. We were all thrilled and literally put our masks in the trash right then.

Stupid Market Street has a facility-wide policy that all the stores have to adhere to. Last hold-out where I really like to shop is Trader Joe's. I think they are West Coast-based, so it will probably be a while.

I take the opposite tack. If there is somebody there asking, I specifically want them to know that I will not wear a mask, that one is unnecessary, and that it's a stupid, unscientific policy.

As for Market Street, I highly doubt they would do anything if you didn't. Somebody might say something but nobody up there wants to actually confront anybody.
You sound like a real tough guy giving those hourly employees the business.
There's no business. I just simply and politely state that I don't need or want a mask. Nothing tough guy about it.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when simply going about your business and behaving as a free, educated adult is considered "tough guy" behavior.
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TXTransplant said:

aTm2004 said:

TXTransplant said:

If you read my previous post, my fitness studio is a franchise. Like many other businesses, they are bound by corporate policy. This should not be a surprise - there are plenty of businesses that didn't even open back up when the state said they could last May...like the Apple store and, one you should recognize, Banana Republic.
I stopped buying Banana Republic shirts and opted to build a home gym, so haven't been giving money to a business that requires me to wear a sanitary face napkin over my face while I'm gasping for air.

I see you also missed the part where I said my fitness studio only required masks in the waiting area. We have always been able to remove them in the room where we have class.
No, I didn't miss it. Just wondering why the owners want to do away with it but can't. Even if it's a franchise, I believe they should have the ability to make choices like that based on their area and members.


Of course, there are a few people who insist on wearing the mask during the entire workout. From day 1, I have wondered why these people are even IN class, if they are that worried about catching the virus. Stay home...the workouts are also live-streamed.
There's no hope for these people. They've decided a piece of cloth what's protecting them from certain death, but if you ask them why they're wearing one, they'll beat the chit out of their back while saying "it's for your protection."


Just like it doesn't make sense to believe that vaccines work AND believe that masks are still necessary after vaccination, it doesn't make sense to be so worried about a virus that you feel the need to wear a mask everywhere yet choose to go to a fitness class in a confined space where people are exerting themselves and breathing hard.
It makes no sense. Either vaccines work or they don't. Rand Paul made a good point when drilling Lord Fauci...if you want people to get vaccinated, give them a carrot. If nothing changes, what's the point?

Honestly, I believe most of it is theatre and people are afraid of confrontation.
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Yeah, I feel bad for the 16 year old who probably drew the short stick to get stuck with mask duty at my HEB. I don't see any point in lecturing them. In one ear and out the other because they are teenagers. I'd probably rather clean bathrooms than be the person who has to offer shoppers masks right now.
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This particular franchise is pretty strict. It's been more so since they were bought out a couple of years ago and are now part of a conglomerate that includes all sorts of different group fitness studios (stretch lab, row house, etc).
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TXTransplant said:

Yeah, I feel bad for the 16 year old who probably drew the short stick to get stuck with mask duty at my HEB. I don't see any point in lecturing them. In one ear and out the other because they are teenagers. I'd probably rather clean bathrooms than be the person who has to offer shoppers masks right now.

I'm not lecturing anybody. I simply say, "no thanks I don't need a mask" or that I don't want one. They know it's bull**** and I think they want more people to stop wearing masks so they don't have to stand there and try to pass them out.
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my god I am glad I don't live in Houston....Here in Bellville, America and big city Brenham I have yet to wear a mask anywhere, nor have I had a single confrontation with a single employee anywhere since this mask B.S. started last year.....the majority of people who wear masks in the area are older folks, and liberals (they are easy to pick out around here).

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TarponChaser said:

WES2006AG said:

TarponChaser said:

TXTransplant said:

Same at my HEB. I usually try to walk past quickly and without making eye contact. If I hear them offer me a mask, I say "No, thank you" and keep walking. Other stores that still require them, I either wear a mask or just don't go inside.

My fitness studio stopped requiring masks in the lobby yesterday. We were all thrilled and literally put our masks in the trash right then.

Stupid Market Street has a facility-wide policy that all the stores have to adhere to. Last hold-out where I really like to shop is Trader Joe's. I think they are West Coast-based, so it will probably be a while.

I take the opposite tack. If there is somebody there asking, I specifically want them to know that I will not wear a mask, that one is unnecessary, and that it's a stupid, unscientific policy.

As for Market Street, I highly doubt they would do anything if you didn't. Somebody might say something but nobody up there wants to actually confront anybody.
You sound like a real tough guy giving those hourly employees the business.
There's no business. I just simply and politely state that I don't need or want a mask. Nothing tough guy about it.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when simply going about your business and behaving as a free, educated adult is considered "tough guy" behavior.
That's not what you said. You said you respond when asked with a diatribe about how mask policies are "stupid" and "unscientific", instead of walking past and not saying anything or simply saying "no thanks". You are either trying to bait an hourly employee into a confrontation so you can go off more, or trying to get that feeling of moral superiority that comes with telling someone how right you are.

That is the opposite of "simply going about your business" and inconsistent with "behaving as a free, educated adult". That would be not engaging, and acknowledging a business' right to have a policy that may be based on business reasons (not wanting to lose business because the vulnerable population may avoid).
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HtownAg92 said:

TarponChaser said:

WES2006AG said:

TarponChaser said:

TXTransplant said:

Same at my HEB. I usually try to walk past quickly and without making eye contact. If I hear them offer me a mask, I say "No, thank you" and keep walking. Other stores that still require them, I either wear a mask or just don't go inside.

My fitness studio stopped requiring masks in the lobby yesterday. We were all thrilled and literally put our masks in the trash right then.

Stupid Market Street has a facility-wide policy that all the stores have to adhere to. Last hold-out where I really like to shop is Trader Joe's. I think they are West Coast-based, so it will probably be a while.

I take the opposite tack. If there is somebody there asking, I specifically want them to know that I will not wear a mask, that one is unnecessary, and that it's a stupid, unscientific policy.

As for Market Street, I highly doubt they would do anything if you didn't. Somebody might say something but nobody up there wants to actually confront anybody.
You sound like a real tough guy giving those hourly employees the business.
There's no business. I just simply and politely state that I don't need or want a mask. Nothing tough guy about it.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when simply going about your business and behaving as a free, educated adult is considered "tough guy" behavior.
That's not what you said. You said you respond when asked with a diatribe about how mask policies are "stupid" and "unscientific", instead of walking past and not saying anything or simply saying "no thanks". You are either trying to bait an hourly employee into a confrontation so you can go off more, or trying to get that feeling of moral superiority that comes with telling someone how right you are.

That is the opposite of "simply going about your business" and inconsistent with "behaving as a free, educated adult". That would be not engaging, and acknowledging a business' right to have a policy that may be based on business reasons (not wanting to lose business because the vulnerable population may avoid).
Takes a lot of jumps to get to the conclusion there's any "diatribe" at all.
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TarponChaser said:

TXTransplant said:

Yeah, I feel bad for the 16 year old who probably drew the short stick to get stuck with mask duty at my HEB. I don't see any point in lecturing them. In one ear and out the other because they are teenagers. I'd probably rather clean bathrooms than be the person who has to offer shoppers masks right now.

I'm not lecturing anybody. I simply say, "no thanks I don't need a mask" or that I don't want one. They know it's bull**** and I think they want more people to stop wearing masks so they don't have to stand there and try to pass them out.
"If there is somebody there asking, I specifically want them to know that I will not wear a mask, that one is unnecessary, and that it's a stupid, unscientific policy."

I am not sure you know what a lecture is because if you are doing as you stated earlier you are clearly lecturing people to let them know exactly how you feel about this.

It is clear you are looking for a confrontation to let everyone know how much smarter you are than them.
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Seems like this thread should take the TMC approach and only get updated 1x/week.
T Durden
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YellAg2004 said:

Seems like this thread should take the TMC approach and only get updated 1x/week.

Speaking of. What do all the new charts look like? Code red?
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