tylercsbn9 said:
The crazy thing to me is shutting down in person schools impacts minorities and poor communities way way way more than others. You 100% know if Republicans were doing it they'd be screaming racism and disparate impact.
I'm not defending Hidalgo - I think her leadership has been terrible through this. But in fairness, black and Hispanic families have been hit with COVID much harder than any other. I'll bet the majority of black and Hispanic parents want their kids to do online learning for safety, because they're scared, both of their kids getting sick and of them bringing it home to Pop and Abuela.
Their fear is not rational - kids of all socio-economic groups are probably safer in school than at home in terms of exposure - but it's real and they have experienced COVID in their communities in much greater numbers. She is responding to that very real concern in her constituency, who have much more concrete and valid concerns than a suburbanite like me, whose kids will benefit unequivocally from being in school and face minimal to no risk.
I still don't like her.