Sasappis said:
Hospitalizations flattening is a big deal.
This thing is not like a light switch where what you do today immediately impacts tomorrow. There is a lag and it looks like the get serious message of a couple of weeks ago is having a positive effect today.
Hopefully the flat hospitalization trend keeps going and even starts to decline.
Let's just hope people continued to "get the message" through the 4th of July holiday.
I think, depending on what is going on, we are going to continue to see peaks and valleys in these rates (hopefully with overall rate trending down over the long term).
But this back and forth of opening things up, then the chicken littles decrying that the sky is falling when numbers go up, only to have the conspiracy theorists say "Oh, look, everything is fine! Open everything back up!" when the numbers start to trend back down is not sustainable.
And it's part of the reason why people are acting so crazy. There seems to be no middle ground on this (at least not in public discourse) - you're either a Virus Denier or a Boy Who Cried Wolf. And neither persona has any effect on the other, except to make people dig into their ridiculously extreme viewpoints even harder.