Premium said:
Costco lines were crazy yesterday. I went to Costco fully intending to "stock up".
Wife didn't want a value pack of Wolf Brand chili and it fell apart from there. She clearly wasn't taking this seriously. So I gave up, we got samples, tested out the massage chair Road Show and got nothing worthy of a Coronavirus supply.
I might try again today.
So we ended up at HEB on Sunday afternoon just in time for the madhouse.
We kept reminding each other that yes this was Coronavirus demand, but this is also peak grocery shopping time on a typical week. Sure, the Lysol Disinfecting detergent was gone, but isn't that what the hottest setting on a modern washer is supposed to do anyways? We didn't feel like we were missing out.
Yes, our trip was $300 and we have more canned goods and carbs than our New Years resolution would allow, but the other shoppers made us feel good. The mom who packed her cart at least one foot higher than us and then topped it off with a six pack of wine had us all beat.
Bottom line is we have already started to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The family sized Kit Kat's, Reese's and York Peppermints have already found their way into a nice community jar where we can partake while we are "stuck indoors"
