cajunaggie08 said:
Social Distanced said:
If you are concerned..YOU wear a mask
I personally will not be
the mask isnt to prevent you from getting the virus. unless its a n95 it aint going to stop **** from getting to you. but any mask helps those who have it from having it spread further from their body. its not about you. its about everyone else.
When you walk out of a pubic place, will you be sterilizing everything you're wearing, your entire body, and whatever you bought before putting it in your vehicle? If not, will you be doing it before you walk in to your house? If not, the mask is only making your feel better and not doing jack squat. Are you taking one of your wife's sanitary napkins and covering your knot with it? They say you can pass it from a fart, so you might want to take precautions.
About 2.5 weeks ago, I got horribly sick. High fever, chills, sore throat, and felt exhausted. I slept for a couple of days before my fever broke. Read about the symptoms of the 'rona, and didn't have any of the main ones (cough, labored breathing). Finally, that Sunday, I decided to go to the urgent care clinic. I ended up having strep. Now, how in the hell did I get strep? At that time, I had been working from home for over 2 weeks, our grocery orders were curbside pickups that they just put into the back of the car, and the couple of to-go meals we got were from restaurants that had you pull up to a numbered cone and they'd run it out to you, while wearing masks and gloves. Yet, somehow I got strep. Hmm. Just going out on a limb here and saying the Kung Flu could get passed that way as well.